
  1. संघ लोक सेवा आयोग की ओर से जारी भर्तियों में मीना शब्द को लेकर फिर विवाद
  2. कॉरपोरेट अफेयर्स मंत्रालय में कंपनी प्रॉसीक्यूटर के पद पर भर्ती के लिए जारी किया छा विज्ञापन
  3. मीना सरनेम वाले अभ्यर्थियों को दिया वेटेज
  4. मीणा सरनेम वाले अभ्यर्थियों को नहीं दिया नौकरी में वेटेज
  5. सीएम गहलोत लिखेंगे केन्द्र सरकार को इस संबंध में पत्र


New Delhi: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has come under criticism over a job advertisement issued this week that seeks to draw a distinction between the Minas and the Meenas.

The Minas are classified as Scheduled Tribes in the central list and are thus eligible for reservation. But the Meenas have been kept out of the quota fold even though members of the community say they are the same group as the Minas and blame the different spellings on variations in dialects and pronunciation from place to place. 

The “distinction” between the Minas and the Meenas has re-ignited the old dispute. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, in a series of five tweets clarified that in his state there is no difference between the Minas and the Meenas.


General InfoSubmit update

People Name GeneralMeena
People Name in CountryMeena
World Population4,628,000
Total Countries1
Progress Scale1 ●
Frontier People GroupNo
GSEC3  (per
Pioneer Workers Needed93
Alternate NamesGe; Guin; Maina; Mena; Popo; मीना
People ID13723
ROP3 Code106638
Alternate Names


Ethnic Groups of South Asia and the PacificAn EncyclopediaBy James Minahan · 2012


The Minas, sometimes known as Meenas or Minahs, are an Indian ethnic group living in the northern and eastern districts of the Indian state of Rajasthan. Outside the Mina homeland, there are Mina communities in the neighboring Indian states of Punjab and Haryana. The majority of the estimated 3 million Minas are high-caste Hindu, with small minorities of Christians and Muslims. The Minas speak a number of languages based on geography and history, principally Hindi and Marwari (Rajasthani). The name Mina or Meena is derived from the Sanskrit word for fish, meen. The Minas traditionally claim descent from the Matsya Avatar, the fish incarnation, of the Hindu god Vishnu. Scholars disagree as to the origins of the Minas as an indigenous tribe or whether they are proto-Dravidians, the original inhabitants of the ancient Indus Valley civilization. The Indus Valley civilization, one of the first advanced societies, was located in parts of what is now the Mina homeland. In ancient times, much of modern Rajasthan was ruled by a Mina dynasty that used the fish as the emblem of the kingdom. The Mina kingdom, known as Matsya, ruled a large area roughly corresponding to the modern Alwar and Jaipur regions. Invading Scythians and other Aryan groups from Central Asia overran the region, often settling and mixing with the Mina population. The Minas absorbed the invaders and later split into a number of small regional kingdoms


राजस्थान सरकार केंद्र सरकार को इस मुद्दे पर स्पष्टीकरण जारी कर मीना और मीणा एक ही मान इस विवाद को खत्म करने के लिये फिर से पत्र लिखेगी

कोर्ट में भी लग चुकी है याचिका
आपको बता दें कि साल 2014 को जारी आदेश में एसटी वर्ग के लिए 'मीना' के सर्टिफिकेट 'मीणा' से ही बनाने को कहा गया था। लेकिन केंद्र के नोटिफिकेशन में सिर्फ 'मीना' शब्द की है। लिहाजा पड़ोसी राज्यों की नौकरियों के लिए आवेदन करने वाले अभ्यार्थियों को 'मीणा' शब्द के साथ एसटी वर्ग नहीं माना जाता है, लिहाजा अक्सर इस मामले को लेकर विवाद हो जाता है। हालांकि हाईकोर्ट इस मामले में स्पष्ट कर चुका है कि इसमें कोई विवाद नहीं है। ये केवल स्पैलिंग का अंतर है। सीएम गहलोत ने भी अपने ट्वीट में कोर्ट का हवाला दिया है।


There is no English term for (णा), why?

Simple explanation :- In recent time their was a news about Meena and Mina , some say's that this are different tribe but the truth is this is same tribe .

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