abrahm and brahma

Abraham and Brahma

In religio-mythology, Abraham and Brahma, aka the “Abraham/Brahma motif” (Goodman, 1994), Brahma and Abraham, or Abraham = Brahma (Ѻ), refers to multiply overlapping parallels between the Hebrew patriarch figure Abraham (500BC) and the Hindu creator god Brahma (900BC), and their respective wife-sisters Sarah and Saraswati (see: Sarah and Saraswati); both sets of which derive from the older Egyptian astro-theology coupling of Ra/Sirius (c.3500BC), i.e. Sun-Star based theology

Abraham and Brahma
A diagram of the Abraham and Brahma connection from a chapter of Libb Thims' Zerotheism for Kids (2016), explaining how Abraham and Brahma, and Sarah and Saraswati, are not real people (nor gods), but anthropomorphism of an ancient astro-theological belief of the connection of the sighting of helical rising of Sirius, the start of the annual Nile River flood, and the re-powering of the sun. [13]

Abraham & Brahma | pre-Rosetta Stone era

In c.1000 to 500BC, it was known that Jewish priests were of Egyptian origin; for example:

“The ‘Choens’ [Cohens] (Ѻ) are most senior Egyptian priest-teachers.”

Herodotus (c.450BC) [15]

Hence, it would have been known that the fictional prophet "Abraham" would be of Egyptian origin, in derivation. In the years to follow, however, with the decline of the Egyptian Empire

The Egyptian language and religion became less well known; accordingly scholars began to attribute Abraham to an Indian origin; for example:-

“ ‘This man’, answered Aristotle, ‘was by birth a Jew, and came from Celesyria; these Jews are descended from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calani’.”

Josephus (c.90AD), Selected Works (pg. 65) (Ѻ)


Accordingly, in the years c.500BC to 1820s, prior to the making (189BC), later discovery (1799), and translation (1820) of the famed tri-lingual Rosetta stone, the key to understanding Egyptian hieroglyphics, and theological system, of the Egyptians, this language conveys, decoded in preliminary form dissection (1840s-1870s), then later in more refined form (1910s-1920s), there was no way for an intelligent person, e.g. Voltaire or Kant, to be able to discern that Hinduism (900BC) and Judaism (500BC) are both derived from ancient Egyptian religio-mythology (3100BC), itself based an ancient astro-theology. Accordingly, thinkers in this general era, if they noticed Abraham = Brahma connection, generally had no choice, per reason of lack of better data, but to conclude that Abraham derived from the Brahma model of the Hindus. This is what we call the "pre-Rosetta Stone era". In the "post-Rosetta Stone era", in the late 19th century (c.1870s-present), it became clear that both Abraham and Brahma were independently copied from the older Sun-Sirius + Nile River flood theological cyclical model, which turned Ra-Isis + Nun god model, which morphed into the reincarnation-based Hindu version and the resurrection based Jewish-Christian-Islam version, respectively.

The following are pre-Rosetta Stone era, i.e. before 1870s, related Abraham and Brahma connecting quotes, made in the period when Egyptian hieroglyphics were either not yet understood (pre 1820s), or there meaning was just beginning to be disseminated (1840s-1870s):

“‘Abraham’ and his wife ‘Sarah’ are derived from ‘Brahma’ and his wife ‘Saraswati’.”

Constantin Volney (1791), The Ruins (pg. #); Nigel Leask (2004) truncated (pg. 105) version

People from this camp, in short, will tend to argue that Judaism was copied from Hinduism and the Jewish priests originally Indian priests, which is an incorrect view.

“The names Abram and Brahma are equivalent in numerical value.”
— Charles King (1864), The Gnostics and Their Remains, Ancient and Mediaeval (pg. 13)

Abraham, Brahma & Ra | post-Rosetta Stone era

The following are post-Rosetta Stone era, i.e. after 1870s, related Abraham and Brahma connecting quotes, during which time it began to become apparent that Ra (sun) and Isis (Sirius), sun-star based Egyptian mythology (3100BC), rooted ancient astro-theology (3500BC), predates both Babylonian mythology (2300BC), Persian mythology (1100BC), Hindu mythology (c.900BC), and Hebrew mythology, therein being the determinate original source of the Brahma/Saraswati, Abraham/Sarah commonalities:

A 1912 etymology of Abraham, as "father Ra, born of earth, at is fire city", by American comparative mythologist Wakeman Ryno, who is explicitly defined as a solar-astrological based fictional character. [2]

“The fire-god of Ur was Ab-Ram. The Hebrew world ‘Ab’ means ‘father’, and Ram (head sign of the Zodiac) means ‘most high’. Ab-Ram and Is-Ra-El were names of Saturn.”

Samuel Dunlap (1858), Vestiges of theSpirit History of Man; cited by Hilton Hotema (1956)[6]

“So Ab, the original, Ram, or due east point, the orient, or origin of all light, or Braam of Sanscrit, by disguising its true meaning and mystifying the multitude by inserting at the proper place this H converted Abraam into Ab-ra-ham, or Ab, the first, original, Ra, the father or sun god, and Ham the Egyptian founder; or God the father of Ham.”

— Karl Anderson (1892), The Astrology of the Old Testament [1]

“Here Adam and Eve (Earth and Sky, Sibu and Nuit) mourned their first born Abel (summer), who had been killed by his brother Cain (lance). with the lance-like frosts of win-ter. Here Abraham (Ab-RA-Ham, father Ra at his Fire-City) mourned his father Terah (Earth). Here is where the God Saturnus mourned his mother Terra (Earth). Here is the dark abyss of Tartarus where Cronus receives his scythe. Here is the Ur of Chaldees, where Old Father Time cuts off the year with his sickle.”

Wakeman Ryno (1912), “Comparative Mythology” [2]

In 1956, Hilton Hotema, in his Ancient Sun God, building on Samuel Dunlap (1858), devoted an entire chapter to “Ab-Ram the Sun-God”; a synopsis his views from one of his later books is as follows:

“The story of Abraham is a myth. Abraham himself is a myth. It was usual with the Old Arabians to regard Satum and Abram as their progenitor, and while looking upon Saturn as their father ... He was a child named Ab-ram, and this name is later changed to Ab-ra-ham. Charles King in his work, The Gnostics, states that the words "brahma" and "abrahrn" have the same numerical value. When we run this ‘allegory’ down, we discover that Abram (Abraham) is just another myth of the sun

Hilton Hotema (1963), The Secret of Regeneration [3]

The following are post-Rosetta Stone era etymologies, making the Brahma = Abraham connection, but remaining ignorant as to the older "father Ra born of Keme" following the annual 150-day Nile River flood marked by the helical rising of Sirius (Sarah/Saraswati) etymology:

Abram is but the Hindu Brama, with a as prefix instead of suffix; and Brama was the original name of the Hindu creator. Later the letter h was added, thus making it Brahma. The letter h signifies life, and thus did Brama, Abram, and Sarai in due time receive life, or being, which implies that in the beginning they did not have it.”

— Lloyd Graham (1975), Deceptions and Myths of the Bible [4]

“There are certain striking similarities between the Hindu god Brahma and his consort Saraisvati, and the Jewish Abraham and Sarai, that are more than mere coincidences.”
— Gene Matlock (c.2002), “Who Was Abraham?”[9]

“The similarities between Abraham and Brahma have not gone unnoticed. Abraham is said to be the father of the Jews, and Brahma, as the first created being, is often seen as the father of mankind. Abraham’s name is derived from the two Semitic words ab meaning ‘father’ and raam/raham meaning ‘of the exalted….’ We might also note that the name of Brahma’s consort Sarasvati seems to resonate with that of Abraham’s wife, Sarah [… each one’s identity as a wife and/or sister]. Also, in India, the Sarasvati River includes a tributary known as the Ghaggar…. According to Jewish tradition, Hagar was Sarah’s maidservant…. Both Brahmins … and Jews see themselves as the ‘chosen people of God.’ The Hebrews began their sojourn through history as a ‘kingdom of priests’ (Exodus 19:6). Likewise, Brahmins are also a community of priests. ”
Steven Rosen (2006), Essential Hinduism [5]

Brahma, the Hindu God of Creation, is Abraham. Sarasvati, the Hindu Goddess of knowledge and wisdom and consort to Brahma, is Sarah, Abraham's wife. I first came across the idea that Abraham and Brahma might be connected around 1999 but can't remember exactly where I saw it other than remembering doing an internet search on something and coming up with a site with this information. The site I think also connected Hammarabi to Abraham to Brahma as all variants of the same person. In Hebrew, the names for Brahma and Abraham would be written the same way: BRHM, with the vowels excluded. But Krishna sounds and looks like Christ, so what of the similarity? And I put this information on my mental back burner until debating with Muslims on internet talkboards several years later and again ran across another Abraham-Brahma connection checking out some Hindu Vedic sites countering Islamic doctrines. Abraham is the Brahma of the South. The Brahma of Egypt, the Black Brahma. The Saturn Brahma. Osiris is the Sun Brahma. Hindu Vedic merchants were trading spices heavily with Egypt and Canaan through the Yemen-Sabeans who are linguistically and culturally connected to Canaanite Hebrews. At some point ancient Hebrews picked up both Egyptian royalty racism and Vedic Brahmin ideas such as the whole "Priests of God" racial prejudice against Gentiles seen as inferior human beings just as Brahmins considered other castes less than themselves. The End of Abraham chapter tells more about how Jewish authors plagiarized Hindu Vedic religious personages, Brahma and Sarasvati, to create Abraham and Sarah.”
— Stephen Lewis (2007), Biomystical Christianity [7]

1. Anderson, Karl. (1892). The Astrology of the Old Testament: Lost World Regained (pg. 10). Health Research Books, 1996.
2. Ryno, Wakeman. (1912). “Comparative Mythology” (Ѻ), The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal, 34:41-46.
3. Hotema, Hilton. (1963). The Secret of Regeneration (§: Allegory of Abram (Abraham), pgs. 136-37). Health Research Books, 1998.
4. Graham, Lloyd M. (1975). Deceptions and Myths of the Bible (pg. 113). Citadel Press Books.
5. (a) Rosen, Steven. (2006). Essential Hinduism (pg. 12). Greenwood Publishing Group.
(b) Murdock, Dorothy. (2009). The Gospel According to Acharya S (pg. 70). Stellar House Publishing.
(c) Rainbow Warrior. (2014). “Brahma and Abraham: Divine Covenants of a Common Origin” (Ѻ), Academia.edu.
6. (a) Dunlap, Samuel F. (1858). Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man (Ra, 19+ pgs; Brahma, 24+ pgs; Abraham, 15+ pgs; Ab-Ram, 7+ pgs). Publisher.
(b) Hotema, Hilton. (1956). Ancient Sun God (pg. 26). Publisher.
7. Lewis, Stephen. (2007). Biomystical Christianity (bio; Egyptian Connection; End of Abraham). BioMystic.org.
8. (a) Doreste, Tomas. (1998). Moisés y los Extraterrestres. Group Edit. Planeta.
(b) Matlock, Gene. (c.2002). “Who Was Abraham?”(Ѻ). Hermetics.org.
9. Matlock, Gene. (c.2002). “Who Was Abraham?”(Ѻ). Hermetics.org.
10. (a) Postel, Guillaume. (1552). Abrahami patriarchae liber Jezirah. Publisher.
(b) Robertson, John. (1889), Christ and Krishna (pg. 6). Publisher.
(c) Bouwsma, William J. (1957). Concordia Mundi: the Career and Thought of Guillaume Postel (1510-81) (pg. 61). Harvard University Press.
(d) Goodman, Hananya. (1994). Between Jerusalem and Benares: Comparative Studies in Judaism and Hinduism (pg. 270). SUNY Press, 2012.
11. Goodman, Hananya. (1994). Between Jerusalem and Benares: Comparative Studies in Judaism and Hinduism (pg. 4). SUNY Press, 2012.
12. (a) Poliakov, Leon. (1974). The Aryan Myth (translator: Edmund Howard)(pg.186). Basic Books.
(b) Goodman, Hananya. (1994). Between Jerusalem and Benares: Comparative Studies in Judaism and Hinduism (pg. 270). SUNY Press, 2012.
(c) Cowan, Robert. (2010). The Indo-German Identification: Reconciling South Asian Origins and European Destines, 1765-1885 (pg. 52). Camden House.
(d) Agarwai, M.K. (2013). The Vedic Core of Human History (pg. 322). iUniverse.
13. Thims, Libb. (2016). Smart Atheism: For Kids (pdf | 309-pgs). Publisher.
14. Pliny (the Elder). (77AD). Natural History, Volume 1 (translators: John Bostock and H.T. Riley) (pg. 67). Henry G. Bohn, 1855.
15. Gordon, J.S. (2011). Land of the Fallen Star Gods: the Celestial Origins of Ancient Egypt (pg. #). Inner Traditions.

Further reading
● Rainbow Warrior. (2014). “Brahma and Abraham: Divine Covenants of a Common Origin” (Ѻ), Academia.edu.

About the author

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