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Co-ro-na Virus First Case

Co-ro-na Virus First Case

First cases by country or territoryDateCountry or territory1 DecemberChina13 JanuaryThailand16 JanuaryJapan20 JanuarySouth Korea • United States21 January Taiwan22 January Hong Kong •  Macau23 JanuarySingapore • Vietnam24 JanuaryFrance • Nepal25 JanuaryAustralia • Canada • Malaysia27 JanuaryCambodia • Germany • Sri Lanka29 JanuaryFinland • United Arab Emirates30 JanuaryIndia • Italy • Philippines31 JanuaryRussia • Spain • Sweden • United Kingdom4 FebruaryBelgium14 FebruaryEgypt19 FebruaryIran21 FebruaryIsrael • Lebanon24 FebruaryAfghanistan • Bahrain • Iraq • Kuwait • Oman25 FebruaryAlgeria • Austria • Brazil • Croatia • Switzerland26 FebruaryGeorgia • Greece • North Macedonia • Norway • Pakistan • Romania...

Combination of two anti-HIV drugs proved crucial in Coronavirus treatment, Rajasthan officialCombination of two anti-HIV drugs proved crucial in Coronavirus treatment, Rajasthan official

SMS doctors first treated her with a combination of two drugs useful in HIV treatment. “We gave her a combination of Lopinavir 200mg/Ritonavir 50mg twice a day,” said Rohit Kumar Singh,

the doctors also gave her Oseltamivir, useful in swine flu treatment, and Chloroquine, useful in the treatment of malaria.

SMS medical college principal and controller Dr Sudhir Bhandari said, “We provided her treatment following standard protocol and now she has tested negative for the disease, which is a major achievement for SMS Hospital doctors.

Live updates: Confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. double in two days

Live updates: Confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. double in two days

Here are significant developments: Italy on Thursday hit a grim milestone, surpassing China for the largest number of coronavirus-related deaths, at 3,405.President Trump repeated an incorrect claim that the Food and Drug Administration had approved a malaria drug to...

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COvid-19 : 2020plague

COvid-19 : 2020plague

Source🕳CoronaVirus 🕳| #BIO-WAR 💥Watch➡️ #Unofficial Video on YouTube Now ⬅️ .🌐 Corona is Avatar of Vishnu #kalki avatar link in bio .⚠️*ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ ꜱᴏꜱ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛ :-⚠️➡️Help and information IndiaMinistry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India🌐➡️Coronavirus...

Twitter trend #imclub

Twitter trend #imclub

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What is corona? 2020 plague

What is corona? 2020 plague

The Meena: King and Kingdoms

The Meena: King and Kingdoms

Main Kingdoms of Meena's रावत मीणामीणा जाति का गौरवशाली इतिहासभारत में मीणा जाति की जनसंख्यामीणा इतिहासमेवाड़ का मीणा राजवंशप्रतिहार मीणा" class="wp-image-1847" src="">Bundi rajasthan 1.Khoh-GongChandaAgnivanshi (a branch of Chauhan) see Dhundhar[14][15]2.MaachSira3.Gatoor & JhotwadaNandla (also called Bad-Goti)4.Amer (old city of Jaipur State)Soosawut/Susawat5.Naen\NahnGomladu6.Nayalajhirwal7.Ranthambore Tatu(a branch of Chauhan)8.Bundi...
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