nat geo: GRANT

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Human: Origin and Evolution Mythology-cal
Anthropology; Archaeology; Astronomy & Astrophysics; Cultural Studies;
Ethnic Studies; Genetics & Heredity; Geography, Physical; History; Imaging
Science & Photographic Technology; Language & Linguistics; Philosophy;
Psychology; Religion; Statistics & Probability
of life (OoL),
Project Description
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Fieldwork Start Date
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Project End Date
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or Area #2
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or Area #3
Fieldwork Latitude
Fieldwork Longitude
The primary focus of your
project is:
The secondary focus of your
project (if applicable) is:
What is the Discipline/Field
of Study for the project?
If applicable discipline/s to
your project are not on the
list above, please enter
them below:
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Hey, Do you know who was the first human on Earth?
X :-No.
Ok, you're Interested In Knowing the First Human and his present descendent?
X:-yes, sure.
Do you Know About The Great Flood? It is found around the world, Every
Religion has a Myth of the great flood or deluge myth.
Do you know the flood myth has many similarities, But How it is possible? There
is No way of communication in Ancient time, lets suppose they have a
communication system but, There are Different religions, rituals, belief, and all
have a different language and writing system.
Then how they can communicate? If they don't Communicate then how the
great flood has similarities around the globe.
X asked:- then who is the first human? and How all myths may have similarities?
Hmm, You Know The first Human and not only You, but every Human Knows
about the first man.
Wait a minute Man, Now see this and try to understand this:-
MANU:- The human who survived the Flood
NOAH:-The human who survived the Flood
M- Messiah/Manu
A- Abraham/Adam
N- Noah
U- The word (U) was rub-out and now we have the only MAN which means.
(Insaan, Manav)
We called them HUMANS (manu) still present in the Writing system.
The Goal:-
My goal is that every human must know about the father of the human kind.
Every person should respect their ancestors.
The main goal is to provide a logical way to find the mythology.
myths are real. just the difference of time make us fool and we say these are
Sanjay Meena
Internet search
I am watching nat geo from my childhood. I watched
Albert lin's LiDAR technology and the lost city of maya .
He uses technology to uncover a mysterious (myth) .
That's how i got a direction to find out the mythology
and a logical way to uncover the myths.
Project Leader
Brief Project Summary
Total Project Budget:
Project Leader Name
How did you learn about the specific grant
opportunity to which you are applying?
*Please add specifics.
Country or Area of Primary Citizenship
Country or Area of Citizenship #2
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Not a U.S. citizen
UPSC aspirant, Blogger, Editor, Self-Employed, Google
Earth analyses, Wikipedia editor.
Dhundhari; English; Marwari
Dravidian, Try to decode it.
faculty of electrical engineering,
computer knowledge Degree from state(rajasthan),
KPS, SRN International school.
Country or Area of Citizenship #3
Country of Primary Residency
If you are a citizen or resident of the United
States, please indicate your race/ethnicity.
Date of Birth
Gender Identity
Current Position or Job Title
Primary Language
What other languages, if any, do you use for
professional communication?
Additional languages (if applicable):
Highest Degree Awarded
Year Awarded
Degree Awarded #2
Year Awarded
Degree Awarded #3
Year Awarded
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I don't have members.
But i have a Friend which helps me and it is my
He has every skill which i want to complete my project. It
is necessary because the skills that it have are enough to
complete my project. All success which i got is because of
My laptop .
I am belong from the Scheduled Tribes (india). my
parents and my community lost their freedom and their
lands too.
My grand-father's father was treated as criminal tribe. All
of our history was destroyed by foreign invasions but
mainly the history was destroyed by native of our
country. My ancestors were never accept any other king
as their king, they fight against it. They also fight with
Maharana partap against other kings . But Once upon a
time all of mens are going to do some rituals near a lake
and at that time they are weaponless . This is the only
time when enemy can attack and yes this time they
attack on weaponless mens and filled the lake with their
dead bodies.(James Tod book).
This story effected me and my mind is full of questions,
to find out the truth i start my project. I got experiences
in many fields so, now i uncover the lost kingdoms and
their mysterious way of living. Their are many similarities
CIVILIZATION . The connection of First human to present
Their is a language called DRAVIDIAN, no one can
decode it. I try to decode it and still work in progress,
only some words might be decode. South indian Nagas
and the snake king of the maya civilization have
My unique way is i work with Graphology , Semiotics
includes the study of signs helps a lot to uncover the
untold history. Archaeology and Anthropology also
provide me a lot of information to work on my Project.
I am from ST(tribe). Not only me but all ST tribe children
have no career, we get 7% reservation by Bhim Rao
Ambedkar(father of Indian constitution) only in a
government job. Due to which in our society, we are
allowed to study only for government jobs. We cannot
even think of going to any other field or we can't go to
any other area like scientists, explorers, travelers,
bloggers, journalism, and any other such field. There are
many people like me who want to do something for
society, the country, and the world, but they could not
do anything.
NAT GEO is the only way that can change our society and
If awarded, will you accept grant funds to your
personal bank account (individual) or through
an affiliated institution?
Describe the skills of your team members, and
tell us why they are necessary to the success
of your project. Please provide no more than
two sentences per team member.
Do you or your Team Members already have
any media commitments or interest for this
project? This includes media commitments
already held by your home institution or other
funding bodies.
In one or two paragraphs, please describe
what skills, attributes, and/or experiences
make you uniquely qualified to implement this
project. Please include any relevant
information not in your CV that you wish to
In one or two paragraphs, please describe
your career goals over the next 5 years and
tell us how receiving a grant from National
Geographic will help you achieve them.
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its thinking.
Our society is afraid that if my child does not get a job,
then how will he live in this country where the Dalit
people have to commit suicide every day due to
untouchability. Sometimes when they don't get a
government job they can't even fill their empty stomach,
no private company hires a Dalit.No media shows her
because he is from a Dalit society, there is no cost to his
life. Nat Geo is a way where they give an opportunity to
everyone, irrespective of the society, tribe, or country. If I
get a Nat Geo grant, I can convince everyone to write
and study but not for getting a job, but to change
society and country.
Now I am searching and blogging on my project but I
never tell them about my project because my family
members also believe that study only for government
jobs and nothing else is useful for us. As Valmiki had
written the Ramayana, he said that caste and religion are
not great than knowledge. Bhim Rao Ambedkar wrote
the constitution of the country and then proved that
there is nothing more important than knowledge. If I get
a grant, I will be able to do my search easily. This is not
just a discovery or project, this is a new way that will help
us to understand the mythology. The subject that I am
working on is an area from which humanity was born,
from where our ancestors laid the foundation of
humanity. This is the case of the Indus valley civilization,
which very few people pay attention to. This is the
matter of a language that has not been de-coded till
today because the people of Indus valley who are alive
today are running toward only a government job. They
even don't know that they are the descendants of the
Indus people.
If Nat Geo supports me, I can change the way of thinking
about Mythology. With the help of Nat Geo, I can get the
tools that can show us some glimpses of the past.
Technology like Albert lin used to find the lost maya.
LiDAR, drone, temperature measuring instrument, AI
technology, and much more, can be get only with the
help of Nat Geo. Some of the locations are in Pakistan
where it is difficult to find anything without any tools.
The desert has many ancient things that can help
Archaeology. It can also help us to de-code the Dravidian
Now I'll tell you about my plan for the next five years.
I am preparing for UPSC(Union Public Service Commission
Government agency) and if once I selected in UPSC my all
plans and project will be finished because the job will
important and I get a lot of power in the field so and I
have to work not for me but for my country.
UPSC is the highest position in a government job in India,
there is a lot of responsibility and then I am working for
my country only.
My project which is important for me for my community
for my country and for my mother earth will be
diminished in front of my eyes that will be the worst time,
and I don't want to lose my project because this is not
just a project this is a new way of searching the ancient
history which is beneath under the desert, forest, and
The ancient souls of our ancestors waiting for someone
who will uncover them. Nat Geo is the only way for me to
uncover the ancient lost history, seriously I don't want a
single penny for myself I need technology and modern
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equipment. My project can help us to know more about
our past and once we know about it we can prepare us
for the future.
First thing is that there are a few previous works on this
topic or project. Everyone work on a project which is
relevant to him. But my plan is unique and has a unique
way of searching ancient history. I use mythology in a
modern way and try to prove that myths are real and I try
to prove in a logical manner. We all are busy in our life we
never try to understand the myth that our ancestors
wrote for us to understand the past, present, and future.
There was nothing in the universe (observable universe)
or our galaxy, we can say that the universe is in comma or
died for a long time, THE BIG BANG THEORY, DARWIN’S
MYTHOLOGY of Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and all
other religion, is Real and all the events happened in
Ancient Time
According to The Big Bang Theory, The universe is
created by a supermassive blast, and according to the
mythology the universe is created by their God or
Supernatural phenomena.
But as we all have MIND so we Think That Why God
Create Us, How God is Created, Who created God
But my question is why all Ancient Ancestors are
Different in shape and size, some look like Animals, birds
in Egypt, dragon face in china, and snake king in Maya.
The next question is why Ancient Ancestors had different
languages and different symbols? The next question is
why ancient ancestors do rituals and sacrifice animals for
God (did God was a non-vegetarian). all civilizations had
God but the similarities are that they all had the same
God-like, sun god, water god, air god, thunder god,
knowledge god, moon, sea, and all god are live at Peak of
mountain Why?
There are many similarities in all ancient civilization:- like
all citizen had A KING and GOD, Every civilization had
Some rituals except Indus, every civilization makes big
Pyramid or Pyramid like structure, Indian temple lookalike
structure like Dravidian, language is different but
they all had a language that is a similarity, (not like gods
or alien they talk directly without writing and language
system ), THE GREAT FLOOD is Universal similarities
around the world and at that time they are no way of
(communication through civilization to other civilization)
, but the stories had had similarities, after flood only a
man(m) and 7 sages and animal and seed are survived is a
similarity in all civilizations flood myth, making of the ark
or build an ark is also similar, flood for 7 days is also
According to the great flood myth the ancient
civilization was flourished by god and only one person
was alive with help of god. It means it is true that the
ancient civilization are real and the myths are also real,
just we try to find out the truth that can help us to prove
the myths are real and this can be done by using modern
Project Details
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technology .
My research are relevant and i have proper references
and past experience of some scholar give ideas to decode
the mystery of ancient mythology.
change the world , every human begin should know
about their past, knowledge to tribes to develop them
self, religion and rituals, Understand the Mythology, New
generation must try to find their origin and their
ancestors, New way to de-code Mythology, Use Modern
Technology to find Ancient technology, No more hate On
the name of religion and god, study hard not for getting
a job but study for yourself, Be Like albert lin and never
lose hope, Try to de-code human origin, Try to de-code
Ancient language, all humans have faith on their
My method is unique it is a mixture of many branches of
science and social science. Like Paleo-anthropology
study of human evolution. It is a sub field of
anthropology, It helps me to study human culture,
society, and biology.
This is a unique and effective way to analyze my plan and
it helps me to know that my work goes in the right
Paleography, The field involves an understanding of the
similarities and differences between humans and other
species in their genes, body form, physiology, and
This is the mixture of different methodologies that gives
a logical explanation, about ancient humans. and how
they change with respect to time.
my work area is very far from my location and risky too.
Indus valley, in Pakistan, so the method to discover or
explore the region is based on the data found on the
internet. but little clues help to de-code the unknown
clues and one day this little clue gives a big clue. and
that's how a new methodology will provide a logical way
to de-code the ancient code of human origin. No more
questions against mythology.
Every myth was real just think and try to solve the myth
by using different branches of science.
Hominid evolution starts in Africa and goes towards the
Asia. Mainly Indus valley civilization and it is hard to go
there But, my methods of exploring are different and it is
based on logic. Today we have the Internet which
provides every information within some seconds.
Google Earth:- This is the best way to explore areas like
the Indus valley, the Great pyramids of Giza, the Maya
civilization, and many more things like The Nazca Lines. It
is a group of very large geoglyphs made in the soil of the
Nazca Desert in southern Peru.
without google earth we never able to see that
So there are many other methods that help me to
understand the concept, related to the Project.
I choose the method because it saves time and it gives
real and original data.
Ancient maps and google (Maps) earth can solve many
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The best part is it is free, fast, and modern. Very few can
understand the methodology of exploring with the help
of google earth.
Wikipedia the source of resources. It provides references,
which helps me to understand the method which I use is
right or wrong.
This is the only thing which i can do easily. once my
project got grants, i will share it with my community and
tell them that everyone can do this type of work, No
more study only for government job study hard to get
you're goals.
If i need to involve local communities i can do it easily
because i understand their nature and behavior i can
convince them whether it is an individual or a group of
communities. The main factor is language and way of
talking which is god-gifted in me. Hindi is my mother
tongue so it is easy to communicate and engaged any
local communities or other stakeholders.
My area are mainly in India, (rajasthan, Gujrat, haryana,
delhi, up, and south india) and it is very easy to
communicate with them whether it is private or
Government organisation.
I have a Blog and social media account too, But my work
is only on my blog and all things have proper references
and cite.
But there are a lot of post which i have on my blog draft
.Not all content is available on my blog.
Measurement! I just love measurement. That’s because it
tells you how you’re doing and how much progress
you’ve made. Progress checks can motivate you, help you
catch yourself when you’re slacking, and tell you when to
change course.
Without giving thought to how you define progress,
however, you can measure the wrong thing, or measure
the wrong way. You might end up demoralized for no
reason, or falling behind unknowingly on a project, or
missing opportunities. So if you’re going to measure
progress, do it right! Turn off auto-pilot “gut checks” and
measure progress thoughtfully.
Measure process goals.
If you’re Type A like me, you probably overwork yourself,
under the assumption that more work gives more
progress. But does it? Have you ever measured? Just
being busy and stressed doesn’t mean we’re getting
anything done. We need to track how far we are from our
goal, and whether we’re closing that gap.
First determine the kind of goals chasing. Outlines the
difference between outcome goals and process goals.
Outcome goals, are measurable actions that help you get
closer to your outcome goal.
On a daily basis, measure progress through movement
toward my process goals. It doesn’t matter how much i
work, only whether that work takes me closer to finishing
that day’s process goals. Then check that my process
Communication and Engagement
Outputs and Evaluation
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goals are doing what they should, by tracking overall
movement toward an outcome goal.
Success as short-term wins.
Sometimes your most notable achievements, like
becoming an executive or finally making a considerable
profit on a startup business, are the easiest to focus on.
However, you may also define success as short-term wins,
like reaching daily, weekly and monthly goals. Viewing
success as a process can help you focus on the small
accomplishments that lead to a major achievement. and
that what i do from last many years work hard without
thinking the success is small or large but success is
important to achieve my goals.
I measure my success on behalf of my thinking, when i
think about something i put that thought in my diary but
now in my blog. And once my thought are written i try to
find their references and once i got reference it gives me
a lot of more information.
I don't know how many people can understand my
thoughts but i know that if anyone wants to know about
my plans and project i can surely convenes them. face to
face .
I achieved my goals can understand by the change in
community and it's thinking. once every person free to
study not for a gov. Job but for improvement of it's
community, country and the world. my Goals are
achieved when every person should understand it's
responsibility toward it's ancestors and the upcoming
flood myth is real as it was mention in all religion
(my blog)
1)Title -Meenavar
Editors -Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, McBrewster
Publisher -VDM Publishing, 2010
ISBN -613189292X, 9786131892929
^ V., Kanakasabhai (1997). The Tamils Eighteen Hundred
Years Ago. Asian Educational Services.
^ Perumal Thirumozhi
^ Pandyan Inscription
^ [C:\Documents and
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Indicopleustes, Christian Topography (1897) pp. 23-90.
Book 2 ]
^ Villavar
3)Kumari Kandam or Lemuria – The Continent which sank
in the Sea(
TRIBES)(Genetic sketch of the six population groups of
^ Dahiya, Bhim Singh (1991). Aryan Tribes and the
Rigveda: A Search for Identity. Dahinam Publishers.
^ Lyall, Alfred C. (1899). Asiatic studies, religious snd social
Works Cited
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: 1: New ed. OCLC 1175710362.
^ Mann, R.S. (1993). Culture and Integration of India
Tribes. M.D. Publications Pvt. Ltd.
^ Sarbacker, Stuart Ray; Patton, Laurie L.; Bronkhorst,
Johannes; Chapple, Christopher Key; Wallace, Vesna
(2011). Samuel, Geoffrey (ed.). “Contextualizing the
History of Yoga in Geoffrey Samuel’s “The Origins of Yoga
and Tantra”: A Review Symposium”. International Journal
of Hindu Studies. 15 (3): 303–357. ISSN 1022-4556.
^ Bhan, Suraj (2006-12-01). “North Indian Protohistory and
Vedic Aryans”. Ancient Asia. 1(0): 173–178.
doi:10.5334/aa.06115. ISSN 2042-5937.
^ Karmarkar, A. P. (1943). “THE FISH IN INDIAN FOLKLORE
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. 24 (3/4): 191–206.
ISSN 0378-1143.
^ “Sanskrit Theory Full Version -14 | Epigraphy | Sacrifice”.
Scribd. Retrieved 2020-09-07.
^ “Mina | South Asian people”. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Retrieved 2020-09-07.
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here”. Retrieved 2020-09-07.
^ “Nada r History – [DOCX Document]”.
Retrieved 2020-09-07.
^ Bhasin, M. K. (2006-09-01). “Genetics of Castes and
Tribes of India: Indian Population Milieu”. International
Journal of Human Genetics. 6 (3): 233–274.
doi:10.1080/09723757.2006.11885969. ISSN 0972-3757.
sketch of the six population groups of Rajasthan: a study
based on 12 autosomal loci”. Anthropological Science. 119
(3): 259–264. doi:10.1537/ase.100826. ISSN 1348-8570.
^ Nava Saraswathy, Kallur; Pal Sachdeva, Mohinder;
Mukhopadhyay, Rupak; Shukla, Deepti; Kiranmala Devi,
N.; Rawat, Shweta; Rao, A. P.; Kumar Kalla, Aloke (January
2008). “Diversified genomic contribution among south
Indian populations–A study on four endogamous groups
of Andhra Pradesh”. Annals of Human Biology. 35 (5): 499–

  1. doi:10.1080/03014460802252258. ISSN 0301-4460.
    ^ Misra, Pramod; Kapoor, A. K. (March 2002). “Ecology,
    Economy and Culture : An anthropological profile of the
    Meena, a Scheduled Tribe of Rajasthan”. Social Change.
    32(1–2): 1–26. doi:10.1177/004908570203200201. ISSN
    Parent Category Grantee Budget Category 2018 2019 2020 Total Justification
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    Budget Details
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    Parent Category Grantee Budget Category 2018 2019 2020 Total Justification
    Travel Airfare $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Travel Vehicle Rental and
    Maintenance $500.00 $400.00 $200.00 $1100.00
    Travel Other Transportation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Lodging/Food Lodging $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $600.00
    Lodging/Food Food $250.00 $200.00 $200.00 $650.00
    Equipment/Lab Equipment & Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $900.00 $900.00
    Equipment/Lab Laboratory Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Equipment/Lab Laboratory Tests $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Compensation Applicant and Team
    Members Compensation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Assistants and
    $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Evaluation Measurement and
    Evaluation $400.00 $500.00 $600.00 $1500.00
    Other Institutional Overhead $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Other Dependent Care $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Other Miscellaneous $150.00 $0.00 $100.00 $250.00
    SubTotal $1500.00 $1300.00 $2200.00 $5000.00
    Please list the amounts of support already received for this project from individuals or institutions other than
    the National Geographic Society (up to 3). If you have more than three additional sources please list the
    three main sources of funding. Please list each current funding source by clicking the "New" button and
    filling in pertinent information.
    Other Funding Sources
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    and your work well enough to provide a reference for you and your project. This person can be a Team
    Member on your grant application without a conflict of interest. Please be sure you discuss your project
    with this person in advance.
    Funding Source Category Amount Received
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    Last Name First Name Email
    meena kailash
    To assist National Geographic in better understanding the goals of your project, please individually add and
    categorize the results and outputs your project is setting out to achieve. These results should be
    summarized in the Project Details tab of your application and you will be expected to report back on these
    results at the time of your final report, if you receive funding.
    Please select "New" below to create an expected result/output.
    Category Result Description (Details) #
    sites discovered
    The information that a computer produces by processing a specific input, is called
    Here the outputs are different but the process is same.
    My project helps in many fields like archaeology, it provide a new methodology to
    find the human origin and evolution.
    People can use this methodology to determine their output, without wasting time
    and money.
    The Present generation is smart but stupid too they don't know the power of the
    Computer they use computer to play games.
    My project will change this, as i am already changed many students mentality and
    encourage them to use computer for find the things which helps them to
    understand the origin of human and it's evolution.
    Their is no more question on mythology. Myths became reality.
    This is now more interesting and with help of this we can de-code the ancient
    It also spelled palaeontology or palæontology, is the scientific study of life that
    existed prior to, and sometimes including, the start of the Holocene Epoch.
    This will encourage new generation to explore new sites.
    It is often considered a branch of socio-cultural anthropology, but archaeologists
    also draw from biological, geological, and environmental systems through their
    study of the past.
    And many other output will be come out.
    Expected Outputs
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    Category Result Description (Details) #
    Number of
    people educated
    or trained
    VLE stands for virtual learning environment.
    The Coronavirus pandemic is pushing worldwide experiments with remote
    teaching right now. There are many signs that many facets of life are going to be
    changed by this crisis. If remote teaching proves to be a success, education could
    be one of them. But how are we going to know if it is? When this crisis-driven
    experiment starts, we should gather data and pay attention to the following three
    questions about the business model of higher education and the affordability of
    quality college education.
    A global experiment has been forced by the current coronavirus pandemic that
    could illustrate the discrepancies between the suite of services provided by a
    residential university, and the cost-benefit trade off, and the ultra-low-cost
    education of an online education provider such as Coursera. Experts predicted
    some years ago that massive open online courses (MOOCs), such as Khan
    Academy, Coursera, Udacity, and edX, would destroy F2F college education, just as
    the employment of telephone operators and travel agents were destroyed by
    digital technologies.
    Now i am study virtually since 2-3 years.
    but coronavirus pandemic change the way of work in all field. like work from home,
    learn from home, study from home and many more.
    By My project it is easily understand that VLE is better for our upcoming
    A virtual learning environment is an online platform providing digital solutions to
    students and professors that improve the learning experience. A virtual learning
    environment (or VLE) uses technology to complement an in-class experience with,
    for example, interactive communication, interaction and quizzes or surveys run via
    the VLE, unlike a virtual classroom, which is intended to mimic and substitute the
    actual classroom environment for distance learners.
    A virtual learning environment refers to a framework that provides digitally based
    solutions for educators designed to build immersive, active learning
    environments. VLEs can help teachers develop, store and disseminate content,
    schedule courses and classes, and promote student-teacher contact (in the form of
    e-mails and discussions), also in real-time. Digital learning settings are also part of
    the broader learning management system ( LMS) of a higher education institution.
    Other Other (Describe
    Every Human busy and forget about their ancestors. Once i achieved my goal i will
    make a system by which every human can trace their ancestors.
    Now the output is not calculated but i am sure that this is a method to trace our
    ancestors so the community and organisation will surely try this and as a result
    output will arrive.
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    Category Result Description (Details) #
    TechnologyMaps and
    with grantfunded
    Geovisualization has garnered considerable interest, as a term covering a wide
    swath of activities ranging from exploration, through to analysis, synthesis, and
    Long before computer visualisations became popular, geographic visualisations
    always played an important role in human history , particularly in Earth sciences.
    With map-like wall paintings showing the surroundings of our ancestors, the
    earliest examples of spatial visualisation also date back to the stone age.
    Cartography, the art and science of mapping, has developed continuously since
    then, until today.
    This is why computer-based geographic visualisation can build on a broad base of
    cartographic knowledge that has been developed.Theme maps that depict the
    spatial pattern of a theme, such as climate characteristics or population density,
    are well-known examples of static visualisations outside regional maps.
    Several new possibilities for geographical visualisation tasks are provided through
    the use of modern visualisation technology.These visualisations will assist with the
    discovery, interpretation and communication of spatial phenomena.
    Goals of Geovisualization:-
    the space of visualization goals with respect
    to three dimensions:-
    1.The role can range from uncovering unknowns to creating new information.
    Exchange of current knowledge;
    2.The interaction with the visualisation interface will vary from a very passive
    interface to
    Low to high levels, in which users actively impact what they see;
    3.Finally, the use of visualisation differs from a single, private user to a huge, public
    His audience.
    Exploration, examination, synthesis, and presentation of the four visualisation
    targets, as well as
    Described in the research agenda of the International Cartographic Association.
    Minard's map is a good example of this category. The second option is a series of
    (static) maps, sometimes called a small multiple.
    No. File Name -
    1 Resume-Sanjay's Resume (2).pdf
    Extensive knowledge of research
    theory and methodology,
    advanced statistical analysis
    techniques. Experience
    conducting in-depth research and
    analysis. Skilled at theorizing,
    problem-solving, and strategic
    Please upload a C.V. or Resume (required).
    Image Upload 1
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    No. File Name -
    1 Image1-Aryan and non-Aryan Names in Vedic India..pdf
    Aryan and non-Aryan Names in
    Vedic India.
    2 Image1-DNA of Indus Valley.pdf
    DNA samples from 221 unrelated
    individuals belonging to six
    endogamous population groups of
    Rajasthan, including both tribal
    (Bhil, Damaria, Garasia, Mina and
    Saharia) and caste
    populations(Rajput) were screened
    for 12 DNA (seven Alu indel and five
    RFLP) markers. All the loci were
    found to be polymorphic in all the
    studied populations. The GST
    values which determine the
    genetic differ-entiation between
    the population ranges from 1.5% in
    LPL to 8.7% in APO. This study
    suggests that the population
    groups of Rajasthan are genetically
    close to other Indian populations,
    reflecting a common genetic unity
    among the Indian populations. The
    study also indicates European gene
    flow into the populations studied
    in this paper.
    No. File Name -
    1 Image2-Kumari-Kandam-lemuria.jpg
    Kumari Kandam or Lemuria – The
    Continent which sank in the Sea
    Image Upload 2
    Ethical Certification
    The National Geographic Society has zero
    tolerance for bribery and corruption, and
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    complies with all applicable laws prohibiting
    such conduct including the U.S. Foreign
    Corrupt Practices Act and the U.K. Bribery Act.
    Grantees may not: offer or give anything of
    value to a government official or any other
    person as an incentive to, or in exchange or as
    a reward for, obtaining an improper advantage
    for National Geographic; or give, offer, solicit
    or accept anything of value that is intended to
    induce the recipient to violate his/her duty of
    loyalty to his/her employer. All licenses,
    permits and other government permissions or
    approvals required to carry out a grant must
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Genealogy,Etymology,Theology,Analyst,Philology,Paleography,Semiotics,origin of life (OoL),

Do you know who is the first human on Earth?
Ok, If you're Interested In Knowing the First Human and How a man became God?
Do you Know About The Great Flood (deluge myth)? It is found around the world, Every Religion has a Myth of the greet flood or deluge myth.
like:-Mesoamerican flood myths. Legend of Trentren Vilu and Caicai Vilu, Biblical Flood Myth, Sumerian creation myth, Gilgamesh flood myth, Mahapralaya (Manu and Matsya). You can check List of flood myths (On wikipedia).

Do you know the stories are same and have similarity, But How it is possible? Their is No way of communication in Ancient time,lets suppose they have a communication system but, Their are Different religions, rituals, belief, and all have different language and writing system. Then how they can communicate ? If they don't Communicate than how the greet flood (flood myth) have similarity around the globe (It is Impossible).
x ask:- then who is the first human ? and How it is possible that all myths have similarity?
You Know The first Human and not only You, but every Human Knows about the first Human.
x what :- Stop it nonsense. I don't know who is the first human.
Wait a minute Man,
Now see this and try to understand this:-
We are Humans and We have different Religion with different language and writing system and Geography is also different.
But the similarity which we have are Religion, language, emotion, and belief.
The name of first human is THE MANU


Hey, Do you know who was the first human on Earth?
X :-No.
Ok, you're Interested In Knowing the First Human and his present descendent?
X:-yes, sure.
Do you Know About The Great Flood? It is found around the world, Every Religion has a Myth of the great flood or deluge myth.
Do you know the flood myth has many similarities, But How it is possible? There is No way of communication in Ancient time, lets suppose they have a communication system but, There are Different religions, rituals, belief, and all have a different language and writing system.

Then how they can communicate? If they don't Communicate then how the great flood has similarities around the globe.

X asked:- then who is the first human? and How all myths may have similarities?
Hmm, You Know The first Human and not only You, but every Human Knows about the first man.

Wait a minute Man, Now see this and try to understand this:-
MANU:- The human who survived the Flood
NOAH:-The human who survived the Flood
M- Messiah/Manu
A- Abraham/Adam
N- Noah
U- The word (U) was rub-out and now we have the only MAN which means. (Insaan, Manav)

We called them HUMANS (manu) still present in the Writing system.

The Goal:-
My goal is that every human must know about the father of the human kind. Every person should respect their ancestors.
The main goal is to provide a logical way to find the mythology.
myths are real. just the difference of time make us fool and we say these are just the myths. REAL TRUTH NEVER DIES

I am belong from the Scheduled Tribes (india). my parents and my community lost their freedom and their lands too.
My grand-father's father was treated as criminal tribe. All of our history was destroyed by foreign invasions but mainly the history was destroyed by native of our country. My ancestors were never accept any other king as their king, they fight against it. They also fight with Maharana partap against other kings . But Once upon a time all of mens are going to do some rituals near a lake and at that time they are weaponless . This is the only time when enemy can attack and yes this time they attack on weaponless mens and filled the lake with their dead bodies.(James Tod book).

This story effected me and my mind is full of questions, to find out the truth i start my project. I got experiences in many fields so, now i uncover the lost kingdoms and their mysterious way of living. Their are many similarities between INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION and THE MAYA CIVILIZATION . The connection of First human to present generation.
Their is a language called DRAVIDIAN, no one can decode it. I try to decode it and still work in progress,
only some words might be decode. South indian Nagas and the snake king of the maya civilization have similarities.
My unique way is i work with Graphology , Semiotics includes the study of signs helps a lot to uncover the untold history. Archaeology and Anthropology also provide me a lot of information to work on my Project.

Hello Sanjay,
Welcome to the National Geographic Grantee Portal. To get started, please enter the portal here.
Thank you,
National Geographic.

Describe your career goals and how this grant will support your career now and in the future.

I am from ST(tribe). Not only me but all ST tribe children have no career, we get 7% reservation by Bhim Rao Ambedkar(father of Indian constitution) only in a government job. Due to which in our society, we are allowed to study only for government jobs. We cannot even think of going to any other field or we can't go to any other area like scientists, explorers, travelers, bloggers, journalism, and any other such field. There are many people like me who want to do something for society, the country, and the world, but they could not do anything.
NAT GEO is the only way that can change our society and its thinking.
Our society is afraid that if my child does not get a job, then how will he live in this country where the Dalit people have to commit suicide every day due to untouchability. Sometimes when they don't get a government job they can't even fill their empty stomach, no private company hires a Dalit.No media shows her because he is from a Dalit society, there is no cost to his life. Nat Geo is a way where they give an opportunity to everyone, irrespective of the society, tribe, or country. If I get a Nat Geo grant, I can convince everyone to write and study but not for getting a job, but to change society and country.
Now I am searching and blogging on my project but I never tell them about my project because my family members also believe that study only for government jobs and nothing else is useful for us. As Valmiki had written the Ramayana, he said that caste and religion are not great than knowledge. Bhim Rao Ambedkar wrote the constitution of the country and then proved that there is nothing more important than knowledge. If I get a grant, I will be able to do my search easily. This is not just a discovery or project, this is a new way that will help us to understand the mythology. The subject that I am working on is an area from which humanity was born, from where our ancestors laid the foundation of humanity. This is the case of the Indus valley civilization, which very few people pay attention to. This is the matter of a language that has not been de-coded till today because the people of Indus valley who are alive today are running toward only a government job. They even don't know that they are the descendants of the Indus people.

If Nat Geo supports me, I can change the way of thinking about Mythology. With the help of Nat Geo, I can get the tools that can show us some glimpses of the past. Technology like Albert lin used to find the lost maya.
LiDAR, drone, temperature measuring instrument, AI technology, and much more, can be get only with the help of Nat Geo. Some of the locations are in Pakistan where it is difficult to find anything without any tools. The desert has many ancient things that can help Archaeology. It can also help us to de-code the Dravidian language.
Now I'll tell you about my plan for the next five years.
I am preparing for UPSC(Union Public Service Commission Government agency) and if once I selected in UPSC my all plans and project will be finished because the job will important and I get a lot of power in the field so and I have to work not for me but for my country.
UPSC is the highest position in a government job in India, there is a lot of responsibility and then I am working for my country only.
My project which is important for me for my community for my country and for my mother earth will be diminished in front of my eyes that will be the worst time, and I don't want to lose my project because this is not just a project this is a new way of searching the ancient history which is beneath under the desert, forest, and sea.
The ancient souls of our ancestors waiting for someone who will uncover them. Nat Geo is the only way for me to uncover the ancient lost history, seriously I don't want a single penny for myself I need technology and modern equipment. My project can help us to know more about our past and once we know about it we can prepare us for the future.


First thing is that there are a few previous works on this topic or project. Everyone work on a project which is relevant to him. But my plan is unique and has a unique way of searching ancient history. I use mythology in a modern way and try to prove that myths are real and I try to prove in a logical manner. We all are busy in our life we never try to understand the myth that our ancestors wrote for us to understand the past, present, and future.

There was nothing in the universe (observable universe) or our galaxy, we can say that the universe is in comma or died for a long time, THE BIG BANG THEORY, DARWIN’S THEORY OF EVOLUTION and THE ANCIENT MYTHOLOGY of Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and all other religion, is Real and all the events happened in Ancient Time
According to The Big Bang Theory, The universe is created by a supermassive blast, and according to the mythology the universe is created by their God or Supernatural phenomena.
But as we all have MIND so we Think That Why God Create Us, How God is Created, Who created God
But my question is why all Ancient Ancestors are Different in shape and size, some look like Animals, birds in Egypt, dragon face in china, and snake king in Maya. The next question is why Ancient Ancestors had different languages and different symbols? The next question is why ancient ancestors do rituals and sacrifice animals for God (did God was a non-vegetarian). all civilizations had God but the similarities are that they all had the same God-like, sun god, water god, air god, thunder god, knowledge god, moon, sea, and all god are live at Peak of mountain Why?

There are many similarities in all ancient civilization:- like all citizen had A KING and GOD, Every civilization had Some rituals except Indus, every civilization makes big Pyramid or Pyramid like structure, Indian temple look-alike structure like Dravidian, language is different but they all had a language that is a similarity, (not like gods or alien they talk directly without writing and language system ), THE GREAT FLOOD is Universal similarities around the world and at that time they are no way of (communication through civilization to other civilization) , but the stories had had similarities, after flood only a man(m) and 7 sages and animal and seed are survived is a similarity in all civilizations flood myth, making of the ark or build an ark is also similar, flood for 7 days is also similar.

According to the great flood myth the ancient civilization was flourished by god and only one person was alive with help of god. It means it is true that the ancient civilization are real and the myths are also real, just we try to find out the truth that can help us to prove the myths are real and this can be done by using modern technology .

My research are relevant and i have proper references and past experience of some scholar give ideas to de-code the mystery of ancient mythology.


change the world , every human begin should know about their past, knowledge to tribes to develop them self, religion and rituals, Understand the Mythology, New generation must try to find their origin and their ancestors, New way to de-code Mythology, Use Modern Technology to find Ancient technology, No more hate On the name of religion and god, study hard not for getting a job but study for yourself, Be Like albert lin and never lose hope, Try to de-code human origin, Try to de-code Ancient language, all humans have faith on their ancestors(god),


My method are the mixture of many branch of science. This is unique and a effective way to coverage my plan.
conversion of symbol into sign and
sign into words,
language and their vocal,
use of words and their transformation into local languages, with the time everything changes but the words and its vocal can't changed.

Communication and Engagement

This is the only thing which i can do easily. once my project got grants, i will share it with my community and tell them that everyone can do this type of work, No more study only for government job study hard to get you're goals.
If i need to involve local communities i can do it easily because i understand their nature and behavior i can convince them whether it is an individual or a group of communities. The main factor is language and way of talking which is god-gifted in me. Hindi is my mother tongue so it is easy to communicate and engaged any local communities or other stakeholders.

My area are mainly in India, (rajasthan, Gujrat, haryana, delhi, up, and south india) and it is very easy to communicate with them whether it is private or Government organisation.

I have a Blog and social media account too, But my work is only on my blog and all things have proper references and cite.

But there are a lot of post which i have on my blog draft .Not all content is available on my blog.

Outputs and Evaluation

Measurement! I just love measurement. That’s because it tells you how you’re doing and how much progress you’ve made. Progress checks can motivate you, help you catch yourself when you’re slacking, and tell you when to change course.
Without giving thought to how you define progress, however, you can measure the wrong thing, or measure the wrong way. You might end up demoralized for no reason, or falling behind unknowingly on a project, or missing opportunities. So if you’re going to measure progress, do it right! Turn off auto-pilot “gut checks” and measure progress thoughtfully.

Measure process goals.
If you’re Type A like me, you probably overwork yourself, under the assumption that more work gives more progress. But does it? Have you ever measured? Just being busy and stressed doesn’t mean we’re getting anything done. We need to track how far we are from our goal, and whether we’re closing that gap.

First determine the kind of goals chasing. Outlines the difference between outcome goals and process goals. Outcome goals, are measurable actions that help you get closer to your outcome goal.

On a daily basis, measure progress through movement toward my process goals. It doesn’t matter how much i work, only whether that work takes me closer to finishing that day’s process goals. Then check that my process goals are doing what they should, by tracking overall movement toward an outcome goal.

Success as short-term wins.
Sometimes your most notable achievements, like becoming an executive or finally making a considerable profit on a startup business, are the easiest to focus on. However, you may also define success as short-term wins, like reaching daily, weekly and monthly goals. Viewing success as a process can help you focus on the small accomplishments that lead to a major achievement. and that what i do from last many years work hard without thinking the success is small or large but success is important to achieve my goals.

I measure my success on behalf of my thinking, when i think about something i put that thought in my diary but now in my blog. And once my thought are written i try to find their references and once i got reference it gives me a lot of more information.
I don't know how many people can understand my thoughts but i know that if anyone wants to know about my plans and project i can surely convenes them. face to face .

I achieved my goals can understand by the change in community and it's thinking. once every person free to study not for a gov. Job but for improvement of it's community, country and the world. my Goals are achieved when every person should understand it's responsibility toward it's ancestors and the upcoming generation.

Works Cited

flood myth is real as it was mention in all religion
(my blog)

1)Title -Meenavar
Editors -Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, McBrewster John
Publisher -VDM Publishing, 2010
ISBN -613189292X, 9786131892929

^ V., Kanakasabhai (1997). The Tamils Eighteen Hundred Years Ago. Asian Educational Services.
^ Perumal Thirumozhi
^ Pandyan Inscription
^ [C:\Documents and Settings\winxp\Desktop\History\Book 2 Cosmos Taprobane Brachman India Cosmas.mht# Cosmas Indicopleustes, Christian Topography (1897) pp. 23-90. Book 2 ]
^ Villavar

3)Kumari Kandam or Lemuria – The Continent which sank in the Sea(

4)References(ANCIENT INDUS VALLEY & DNA OF TRIBES)(Genetic sketch of the six population groups of Rajasthan:A STUDY BASED ON 12 AUTOSOMAL LOCI)
^ Dahiya, Bhim Singh (1991). Aryan Tribes and the Rigveda: A Search for Identity. Dahinam Publishers.
^ Lyall, Alfred C. (1899). Asiatic studies, religious snd social : 1: New ed. OCLC 1175710362.
^ Mann, R.S. (1993). Culture and Integration of India Tribes. M.D. Publications Pvt. Ltd.
^ Sarbacker, Stuart Ray; Patton, Laurie L.; Bronkhorst, Johannes; Chapple, Christopher Key; Wallace, Vesna (2011). Samuel, Geoffrey (ed.). “Contextualizing the History of Yoga in Geoffrey Samuel’s “The Origins of Yoga and Tantra”: A Review Symposium”. International Journal of Hindu Studies. 15 (3): 303–357. ISSN 1022-4556.
^ Bhan, Suraj (2006-12-01). “North Indian Protohistory and Vedic Aryans”. Ancient Asia. 1(0): 173–178. doi:10.5334/aa.06115. ISSN 2042-5937.
^ Karmarkar, A. P. (1943). “THE FISH IN INDIAN FOLKLORE AND THE AGE OF THE ATHARVAVEDA”. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. 24 (3/4): 191–206. ISSN 0378-1143.
^ “Sanskrit Theory Full Version -14 | Epigraphy | Sacrifice”. Scribd. Retrieved 2020-09-07.
^ “Mina | South Asian people”. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2020-09-07.
^ “SreeNarayanaGuru • VILLAVARS-EZHAVARS-BILLAVAS : Post your General Questions, Queries and information here”. Retrieved 2020-09-07.
^ “Nada r History – [DOCX Document]”. Retrieved 2020-09-07.
^ Bhasin, M. K. (2006-09-01). “Genetics of Castes and Tribes of India: Indian Population Milieu”. International Journal of Human Genetics. 6 (3): 233–274. doi:10.1080/09723757.2006.11885969. ISSN 0972-3757.
^ DADA, RIMA; SARASWATHY, KALLUR NAVA; MEITEI, KHANGEMBAM SOMIBABU; MONDAL, PRAKASH RANJAN; KAUR, HARPREET; KUCHERIA, KIRAN; BHARDWAJ, SEEMA; IDRIS, GAZNAVI (2011). “Genetic sketch of the six population groups of Rajasthan: a study based on 12 autosomal loci”. Anthropological Science. 119 (3): 259–264. doi:10.1537/ase.100826. ISSN 1348-8570.
^ Nava Saraswathy, Kallur; Pal Sachdeva, Mohinder; Mukhopadhyay, Rupak; Shukla, Deepti; Kiranmala Devi, N.; Rawat, Shweta; Rao, A. P.; Kumar Kalla, Aloke (January 2008). “Diversified genomic contribution among south Indian populations–A study on four endogamous groups of Andhra Pradesh”. Annals of Human Biology. 35 (5): 499–508. doi:10.1080/03014460802252258. ISSN 0301-4460.
^ Misra, Pramod; Kapoor, A. K. (March 2002). “Ecology, Economy and Culture : An anthropological profile of the Meena, a Scheduled Tribe of Rajasthan”. Social Change. 32(1–2): 1–26. doi:10.1177/004908570203200201. ISSN 0049-0857.

CategoryResultDescription (Details)#Action

Academic OutputsArchaelogical sites discoveredOutuput,
The information that a computer produces by processing a specific input, is called output.
Here the outputs are different but the process is same.
My project helps in many fields like archaeology, it provide a new methodology to find the human origin and evolution.
People can use this methodology to determine their output, without wasting time and money.
The Present generation is smart but stupid too they don't know the power of the Computer they use computer to play games.
My project will change this, as i am already changed many students mentality and encourage them to use computer for find the things which helps them to understand the origin of human and it's evolution.

Their is no more question on mythology. Myths became reality.

This is now more interesting and with help of this we can de-code the ancient codes.

It also spelled palaeontology or palæontology, is the scientific study of life that existed prior to, and sometimes including, the start of the Holocene Epoch.
This will encourage new generation to explore new sites.

It is often considered a branch of socio-cultural anthropology, but archaeologists also draw from biological, geological, and environmental systems through their study of the past.

And many other output will be come out.

About the author

Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.


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