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Rajasthan: Scheduled Tribes - RAS EXAM PREPARATION

The Tribal India: February 2013

Not a proud moment.”

“It was appalling for me to see a parallel judicial system running in Rajasthan for such a long period. One great Meena King BADA was the last king from Meenas who was contemporary to the period of Akbar. You will learn that all these castes (Meenas, Gurjars and Jats) do smoke together, eat together and are involved deeply in each other's lives. Kandasamy’s political passion comes alive as she warms to her theme. Meenas is a Vedic Tribe and they strongly follow vedic traditions right from the birth to death. That is because, if the accounts from her home province are true, she is an adulterer: though already married, she ran away with another man, moving south until her family caught up with them.

Starting from the Panna Meena stepwell in Amber Village, this guided walk first takes you to visit the old settlement of Meena Tribe on the outskirts of Jaipur. I agree that putting Meenas under reservation umbrella was not because of a comma mistake! Thanks.

After reading her playful, political novels – described by reviewers as “explosive” and “radical” – it’s a surprise to find Meena Kandasamy to be quiet and diffident in person. How can you claim that they also discriminate Meenas? The reservation was given becasue of their under-representation in all sectors. “It’s not a polite term to use but I think there’s an element of ‘brown-washing’ going on, like making Priti Patel the face of hard Brexit, following very racist immigration policies, but using a brown person to push it through. But also, as she tells me: “I think I’m much better writing down what I feel.”

For weeks afterward, she was often unconscious, always uncommunicative and, but for the hospital staff, utterly alone, with no family members to care for her. Meenas enjoy higher social status just equal to the Brahmins and Rajputs! Please have a visit to Meenas, Gurjars and Jats dominated areas and seek opinion about Meenas. Because they were pushed back by later ruling classes. There was no existence of healthy competition since centuries (specially after they lost their Kingdoms). Throughout this moderate trek, this guide will point out items of interest as well as offering unparallel insights into this remarkable area and its history.

The Americans and Europeans have put a special emphasis on programs to help Afghan women and raise awareness of their rights. I wonder why no one has ever tried to stop it, especially after the Supreme Court order banning caste panchayats, also called khap panchayats in some states,” said Justice Tatia in his order.

Dear Ashish, Can you please explain what kind of discrimination they were facing since 11th Century? Isn't it true that MEENAS were a Ruling Class before 11th Century? Have you heard about Matsya Kingdome that was one among the 16 Mahajanpadas in ancient India? Matsya was name of Meenas only. The name of each Mahajanpada was after its Kshatriya Tribe. Meenas and Gurjars are quite identical in all respects. The combined armies of Akbar and Bharmal attacked Bada Meena and conquerred his kingdom. You will then ascend the Aravalli hills along a historic path which offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, including tiny villages in the distance and the magnificent Amber Fort. Today this may be because she is not feeling well; she keeps a scarf wrapped around her throughout our conversation. Meenas, Gurjars, Jats and Yadavas belong to the same Indo-Aryan Stock. Now, as the Western money and presence are dwindling, women’s advocates fear that even the limited gains will erode and a more tribal and Taliban culture will prevail, especially in the south and east of the country, where Pashtun tribal attitudes toward women are strongly held.


How Meenas got ST status 1970, Viewed 30 August 2020, <>.

Imagine 1970, Meena Tribal Walk | Specialist Tailor, Viewed 30 August 2020, <>.

In Rajasthan, tribal body acts as family court for ST couples 1970, Viewed 30 August 2020, <>.

Meena Kandasamy: 'If I was going to write my life story, I would ... 1970, Viewed 30 August 2020, <>.

With Aid, Afghan 'Honor' Victim Inches Back 1970, Viewed 30 August 2020, <>.

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