The Real Mahabharat with matsya king
The Battle at Matsya (Viraat or virat or virata ) - the real storry

Many of you have the wrong impression About the Virat Yuddh. Many believe that:
- Arjun arrived at the battlefield dressed as Brihannala

- Everybody thought that a woman had arrived and hesitated to attack
- Arjun used the Sammohan astra, put everyone to sleep, took the cows and left
- Thus everybody in Kaurava army was thus defeated but not really defeated
Let me describe the true Virat yuddh. First to clarify, Arjun was not thought to be a woman - he was dressed as a eunuch and recognized as such - and that is different. Secondly, as described later, the thirteenth year was already over and Arjun had regained his manhood but Pandavas were continuing to hide in their guise. Now to the story ..........
After Susharma of the Trigartas attacked Virat from the southern side, King Virat left with his whole army and the four Pandava brothers - Yudhishthir, Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev -

Still very much disguised. The next day, Kauravas attacked from the north side, and took charge of the whole cattle of cows. There was no one left in the kingdom to defend against the attack except young prince Uttar.

Uttarā (Mahabharata) pic
Having heard of the attack, Uttar started bragging that he can alone defeat the enemy but he did not have a worthy charioteer who can navigate his chariot with the required speed and agility. He said, "On seeing my prowess at the battlefield, the Kauravas will say, is this Arjun who is causing so much trouble?"

Hearing this, Brihannala (Arjun) slipped out and went to Sairandhri (Draupadi). He told her, "Quick. Go and tell Uttar that Brihannala used to be Arjun's able charioteer in the past. S/he will guide your steeds in the battle, if given an opportunity." Draupadi went and told Uttar. Uttar said, "How can I ask a him, a eunuch?". So princess Uttara did the bidding. Brihannala feigned ignorance on how to tie the armour and appeared to look stupid. This brought a lot of laugh amongst the ladies present. Uttar accepted to demonstrate and then they prepared to depart. While departing, Uttaraa said, "Defeat the Kauravas and bring their fine colourful clothing for my dolls."

Led by Brihannala, they raced to the northern end of the kingdom where Kauravas had led siege. But as they approached them, Uttar was struck with mortal fear. He said, "Let us turn back. I dare not fight such heroic warriors. Alone by themselves, the great Bhishm, Drona, Karna, Kripa, Ashwatthama, Karna, Duryodhan, etc., are undefeatable. Together even Indra cannot face them. My hair is standing at their ends and I am feeling faint. My father has gone to fight the Trigartas with the full army and my elder brother. I am alone and a very young boy. What can I do against these mighty warriors. Quick. Turn back immediately."
Go-harana parva
Roy, Pratap Chandra, 1842-1895; Kisari Mohan Ganguli
Brihannala replied, "It was at your command that I came here. If we return now without retrieving the cows, brave men will ridicule and laugh at you. I cannot return to the city without the cows. After all Sairandhri sung my praises. Your sister requested the angavastra (upper garments) of the Kaurava warriors. How can I refrain from fighting now. I shall be termed as a coward."
Uttar said, "Let the Kauravas plunder and take away the entire Matsya wealth. Let them take away the cattle. The battlefield is no place for me" and saying so, he jumped from the chariot and began running away. Seeing this laughter emerged from the Kaurava army. Brihannala ran after Uttar and caught him. Uttar offered him gold and jewels to let him free but Brihannala said, "If you do not wish to fight, hold the reins of the chariot. I shall fight in your place and recover all the cattle."
Uttara Gograhana :- Prince Uttara, with the help of Arjuna, defeats the attack by the army of Kuru brothers. He returns to his capital with wealth and cows that were looted from Matsya kingdom. This story is recited in Go-grahana sub-book of Virata Parva.
Meanwhile, in the Kaurava army there were murmurs. The soldiers started saying to each other, "Who could that person be? He is dressed like a eunuch but resembles Arjun.", "Yes, this must be Arjun in disguise".
(When they set out, it was very strongly believed that Pandavas were hiding in the Matsya kingdom. The killing of Keechaka had brought the suspicion that it was Bheem who was responsible. Karna opined that besides him, only Bheem was capable of slaying a giant like Keechaka in wrestling. The attack by Susharma from South and Kauravas from the north was a ploy to bring the Pandavas out in the open.)
Drona was worried. He said, "There are fiery dry winds blowing. The sky is overcast. The horses are shedding tears. Animals have a premonition of danger. This indicates fearful signs. Be on guard everyone. There is going to be tremendous slaughter in the battle that is about to happen." And turning to Bhishm, he said, "This is indubitably Arjun dressed as a eunuch. Protect Duryodhan. The great Arjun will certainly defeat him and take away the cows. The Pandavas were severely wronged thirteen years ago and Arjun's anger is sure to be kindled to the highest order on seeing his mortal enemies. Arjun has acquired all the celestial weapons. I fear that there is not one here who can stand against him."
Hearing this, Karna got wild, and shouted, "You always speak highly of Arjun. But Arjun does not even equal a sixteenth part of Duryodhan or me." But Duryodhan was elated and said, "O Karna, if this is indeed Arjun, we are fortunate. Our purpose of discovering the Pandavas during their thirteenth year is fulfilled and by the terms of the bet, they will have to repeat the exile. But if this not Arjun, my sharp arrows will very quickly dispose off this eunuch from the chariot."
Meanwhile, Arjun as Brihannala, led Uttar to the large Shami tree where the Pandavas had hidden their arms. The arms were all tied up in a bundle up on the tree and resembled a dead body. Arjun asked Uttar to climb up the tree and bring down the bundle. Uttar was horrified by the suggestion and said that he would be defiled by touching a dead body. Arjun then explained that it was not a dead body but a bundle of weapons. When the bundle was brought down and untied, it displayed an array of weapons. Uttar was astounded and asked who were the owners of such great weapons. Arjun then explained that the weapons belonged to the Pandavas and he revealed that Kanka was Yudhishthir, Ballav was Bheem, Grantheek is Nakul, Tantipal was Sahadev, Sairandhri was Draupadi and he was Arjun. Upon hearing this, Uttar was exceedingly glad and his courage and vigour returned. He felt reassured. Arjun smiled and said that there was no cause of worry and the cattle is as good as recovered.

As they neared the battlefield, Arjun put on the two inexhaustible quiver of arrows on his back, tied the bowstring to his bow Gandiva and gave it a loud twang. Then he blew on his conch Devdutta. These sounds brought a wave of fright amongst the Kaurava army. Duryodhan exclaimed gleefully, "So, it is Arjun. The Pandavas have failed at their pledge. They will have to go back to the forest for another twelve years." But Bheesm intervened and said, "The thirteenth year ended five months ago. It is now up to you to make peace with the Pandavas and escape their wrath." Duryodhan was adamant.
(The thirteenth year had indeed ended five
months ago as per the lunar calendar. But even as per the solar
calendar the year had ended six days ago.)
Bhishm told Duryodhan to take the cattle and proceed toward Hastinapur while he along with Drona, Kripa, Karna and Ashwatthama will fight Arjun. From his point, Arjun surveyed the army. Seeing that Duryodhan was not among the army, he told Uttar that their main job was to retrieve the cattle and it appeared that Duryodhan was escaping with the cattle. He told him to turn away and follow Duryodhan. Seeing this Bhishm got alarmed and commanded the army to stop Arjun.
Arjun filled the battlefield with countless arrows. His arrows were striking everyone far and wide even before the others had to chance to retaliate. He killed countless soldiers. The cattle panicked and started running helter-skelter.
Arjun rounded up the cattle and drove it to the direction of Matsya and then set after Duryodhan. Seeing this the principals of Kaurava army intercepted Arjun.
Arjun held Pitamah in check. He then repulsed the attack of Drona, Kripa and Ashwatthama. There was a fierce battle and he trounced on all of them. Then Karna came forward. Seeing his arch enemy Arjun boiled in anger and attacked Karna with his full might. Karna was unable to face the volcano that erupted in Arjun and had to retreat. Arjun then wrought complete havoc in the army. The army took to flight.
Not wishing to prolong the war further and wishing to return quickly to the capital, Arjun then used the Sammohan astra that put all the army and the enemy warriors to sleep. Even Bhishm, Drona, etc. fell unconscious as none knew the counter weapon. Uttar got down and grabbed all the upper garments of the chief warriors with the exception of Bhishm, Drona and Kripa out of respect.
Having vanquished the entire army single handedly, Arjun rounded up the cattle. He returned the arms back to the Shami tree. He reverted back to the disguise of Brihannala and resumed his role as the charioteer. Arjun and Uttar returned to the capital (matsya kingdom) with the cattle.
As you see that the battle at Matsya was not a normal battle. It was a very fierce battled in which Arjun killed many warriors including Karna's brother. Arjun had completely proclaimed and identified himself. Any doubt about his identity was very quickly dispelled after his attack. He defeated everyone.
There was no Krishna to guide and protect him. The Kauravas were not holding back and they also attacked with their whole might
second part is under review
The Mahabharat, Book 4: Virat Parva (विराट पर्व) Pre-War Parvas
Virat Parva or "The Book of Virat" is the book of the Mahabharata
describes the Pandavas' 13th year of exile. The twelve years of life in
the wilderness having come to an end, the Pandavas started preparing for
the thirteenth year to be spent in an inhabitable place without being
discovered by Duryodhan. As per the conditions of the 2nd dice game,
this year was to be spent incognito (अज्ञातवास). If any Pandava was
discovered during this year, the Pandavas would have to repeat the 12
year exile + 1 year incognito. Hence this year was very important and
thus Mahabharat dedicates one full Parva for just this one year.
Yudhishthir asks all the four brothers as to which place they should
choose that will best suit their purpose. Several places were suggested.
But Yudhishthira chose Virat in the kingdom of the Matsya (मत्स्य देश).
“The Virat king is old, just, follower of Dharma and hospitable and he
will be best suited for our purpose,” Yudhishthira said.
Pandavas then discussed what disguise each one would take. Yudhishthir
became Kanka (कंक), a learned Brahmin who would become a purohit
(priest) at the palace; he would advise the king of worldly matters as
well as dharma and also entertain him in games of dice. Bheem, being an
expert cook, chose to become Ballav (बल्लव या बल्लवाचार्य) with an
intention of being the head cook at the royal kitchens. Nakul became
Granthik (ग्रंथिक), an expert horse trainer and keeper. Sahadev became
Tantipal (तन्तिपाल), the cowherd. Arjun chose to use Urvashi's curse of
being a eunuch and became Brihannala (ब्रिहन्नला). Arjun had also learnt
the arts of singing and dancing from Chitrasen, the Gandharva at
Indralok. He became the singing and dance teacher to Princess Uttaraa.
Draupadi had the toughest job of all. Being extremely beautiful, with
royal electrifying nature, it was difficult to find a suitable disguise.
She became a sairandhri (royal dasi सैरन्ध्री) but was not able to find
any job till Queen Sudeshna (सुदेष्णा) found her and hired her.
Most of the year last uneventfully. Around the ninth month, Keechak
(कीचक), the brother of Queen Sudeshna and commander-in-chief of King
Virat's forces happens to spot Draupadi as sairandhri. He becomes
totally smitten and desires her. After scuffles during which Draupadi is
insulted (once more), and resulting plans, Bheem slays Keechak.
Keechak’s death was welcomed everywhere as he and his followers were
notorious oppressors, and King Virat was virtually his prisoner.
Realising that the thirteenth year of the Pandavas’ exile had started,
Duryodhana had sent out his spies in all directions to find them out.
The spies searched far and wide only to report to the angry king that
not a trace of the six could be found anywhere. Duryodhan asks his men
to redouble their efforts. Meanwhile, the news of Keechak's death
travels soon and far and ultimately to Hastinapur. When the news reaches
Hastinapur, everyone ponders on who would be the giant of a man to kill
another giant called Keechak. The Kauravas and Karna suspected that
this killer could be none other than Bheem.
King Susharma was the
ruler of Trigarta, a neighbour of the Matsya kingdom and an enemy. He
was friendly with Duryodhan. In the past, Susharma's attacks were always
repelled by the powerful Keechak. Hearing that Keechak is no more,
Susharma and Kauravas formed a plan. Both would launch a near
simultaneous attack on the Matsya kingdom. Susharma would attack from
the south first. After Virat army is fully engagaged in the south, the
Kauravas would launch themselves from the north. Accordingly the plan is
put into execution.
Virat and his army rush to the south.
Although Keechak is sorely missed but aided by Kanka, Ballav, Granthik
and Tantipal Virat's army is once again victorios. Just then Kauravas
attack from the north. There is no army, no warriors left at Viratnagari
except the young prince Uttar. At first Uttar boasts on his Martial
skills. He says that he can single-handedly repel the Kauravas but he
has no charioteer. At this time, edged by Brihannala, Draupadi as
sairandhri coaxes Uttar to engage Brihannala. But at the battle field,
Uttar develops cold feet. It then describes the feat of Arjun as
Brihannala who singlehandedly defeats the Kaurava army led by Bheeshma,
and having esteemed warriors such as Drona, Kripacharya, Karna,
Duryodhana, and his 99 brothers plus the huge army of soldiers.
Although, the Kauravas are defeated, Duryodhan is elated at the
discovery of Arjun and thus the Pandavas. Pitamah Bheeshm reminds
Duryodhan that the agyaatvaas ( अज्ञातवास - year of incognito) had ended
five months ago as per the lunar calendar (even as per the Solar
calendar, the 13th year had ended six days ago).
The Pandavas disclose their identity. King Virat is extremely pleased and offers Princess Uttaraa as a bride to Arjun. Arjun replies that he has been her guru and hence has fatherly affection for her. But she would be ideal for his son, Abhimanyu. The parva concludes with the wedding of Abhimanyu and Uttaraa.
Udyoga Parva The Mahabharat,Book 5
Pre-War Parvas
The Udyoga Parva is the fifth Parva (book) of the Mahabharata,
abounding with incidents appertaining to war and peace. “Udyog” means
effort. It is the Book of the “Effort”, the Padavas and Kauravas make
various attempts at peace to avoid war but also start the preparations
for war in case the peace accord does not work out.
After the celebration of the wedding of Abhimanyu and Uttara, a
conclave of kings was held at Virat’s court. Drupad, Balaram, Krishna,
Satyaki (of the Yadavas), Abhimanyu, Pradyumna (Krishna’s son), Drupad
with his sons, and the five sons of Draupadi were gathered, in addition
to the Pandava brothers and Virat himself. Reviewing the events that had
led to the Pandavas’ misfortunes, Krishna strongly condemned the
atrocities committed by the Kauravas.
“What would be Duryodhana’s next move?” pondered the Vrishni, “Let us
immediately send a messenger to ascertain their plans. If they are
willing to return to Yudhishthira his kingdom, then there would be
peace. If not, it is wisdom that we prepare for war.”
Balarama was in favour of conciliation. He said, “Yudhishthira lost
his kingdom due to his own folly. Let us not think of war with the
Kurus. Let a messenger proceed to Hastinapura to conciliate the king.”
Satyaki criticized Balarama for his views, while endorsing Krishna’s
plan. Drupada’s counsel was, “By now Duryodhana must be sending his
messengers to various kings, seeking their support in the war that is
certain to take place soon. Let us also send word to our friends to be
prepared. In the meantime, let us send a messenger to Dhritarashtra.”
His advise was accepted by everyone. After the departure of Krishna and
Balarama to Dwaraka, Virat started his war preparations. He, as well as
Drupada, enlisted the support of all those who were sympathetic to the
Pandava cause. In a similar action, the Kurus were contacting their
supporters, most of who began to send their armies.
Duryodhan and Arjun both seek the help of Krishna. This incident is
well known and Krishna offers his 10 crore Narayani army on one side and
he himself single, with a vow to not participate in the war. Arjun
chooses the lord while Duryodhan is most happy with the Narayani sena.
Duryodhan also cleverly traps Shalya into supporting him while Shalya
had set out with an intention of joining Yudhishthir. And so, the
various camps swell with allies and their armies.
Meanwhile, the peace mission begins. The first messenger is sent from
Pandava side. He is the rajpurohit or the royal priest of King Drupad.
His message of peace is received in reverence but not too kindly. He
“Our king, Yudhishthira, is of the opinion that the Pandavas have
fulfilled the conditions laid upon them at the dice game thirteen years
ago. They would now want you to return to them the kingdom that they
lost. If a proper settlement was not arrived at, there may be war, with a
high cost of human lives and material. We are aware that your son
Duryodhana has already started preparing for a war with the Pandavas and
has gathered a force of eleven Akshauhinis. Please be informed that the
Pandavas also have at their call seven Akshauhinis from their
supporters. No doubt there is a difference in numbers. But that is more
than made up by the presence among the Pandavas of that wielder of
celestial weapons, their middle brother, Arjuna.”
Bhishm says to him that “O Brahman, you speak the truth but your tone
is harsh”. When emotions started to run high, Dhritarashtra said that,
after due deliberation, he would send Sanjay to Yudhishthira. The
brahmin was asked to return to the Pandavas with that message.
Thereafter Sanjay goes to Yudhishthir with Dhristarashtra message
that Yudhishthir should not seek a war. Dhritarashtra message was for
peace and reconcilliation but at no point promised the kingdom back to
the Pandavas. After some futile discussions, Sanjay took leave of the
Pandavas, the final message he carried from Yudhishthira being, “Give me
back my Indraprastha or fight with me.”
After Sanjay’s return and his report, the elders conferred once again
and everyone urged Dhritarashtra to make peace. But Duryodhan, Karna
and other do not agree. Finally Krishna’s embarks on his mission for
peace. Duryodhan is adamant and makes the famous statement, “I shall not
give the Pandavas even that much land that can rest on the
needlepoint”. When Duryodhan tried to take Krishna forcibly as a
captive, Krishna’s reveals his vishwaroop.
The last part of the book deals with Krishna talking to Karna and
revealing Karna’s birth secret and urging him to join the Pandava side.
Karna reluctantly exhibits his inability to desert Duryodhan at this
stage. Kunti tries the same but is refused the same. But Kunti does
extract a “daan” from Karna that he will not kill any Pandava except
Arjun so that at the end of the war, either he or Arjun will live and
Kunti will continue to have five sons.
Now that war is inevitable, Pandavas and Kauravas decide their battle
strategy. Dhrishtadumya becomes the commander-in-chief of the Pandava
army and likewise Pitamah Bhishm of the Kaurava army. The armies march
to Kurukshetra.
Bhishm describes the rathis, atirathis and maharathis of each side (please see: Rathi, Atirathi/Maharathi, AtiMaharathi, etc.)
Due to the severe disagreement between Bhishm and Karna, Karna
decides that he will not fight till the grandsire is part of the army.
Balaram is saddened by the prospect of war and decides not to
participate in the war. He favoured Duryodhan but could not bring
himself to oppose Krishna. Hence he leaves for a piligrimage.
Rukmi, the king of Vidharbha, and father-in-law of Krishna, offers
Arjun his help and his army boasting that he can destroy the Kaurava
army himself. Arjun smiles at him and tells him that he does not need
his help. Rukmi goes to Duryodhan and repeats his offer. Duryodhan also
rejects him.
(Thus Balaram and Rukmi are the only two personalities that did not participate in the war).
Duryodhan asked his advisers, how long would it take to annihilate the Pandava forces.
Bhishma said, “One month.”
Drona said, “One month.”
Kripa said, “Two months.”
Aswatthama said, “Ten nights.”
Karna said, “Five nights.”
Bhishma smiled and said, “So you definitely can do it in five nights,
if you do not encounter Arjuna. Till then you can say anything. It
costs nothing to say what pleases you.”
(Here ends the pre-war parvas. To be continued …
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