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*Maha-bharata* | The Gita is located just at the beginning of the great battle of Kurukshetra, described in the great epic "Mahabharata," which may be the longest epic poem in the world |
The classic scene in which the Gita is spoken by Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield is here depicted in Orissan pata-chitra versions | |
Versions in kalamkari, from Andhra Pradesh | |
And in Madhubani, from Bihar | |
And in Tanjore style, from Thanjavur | |
And in metalwork | |
And in modern printed form | |
A new, huge ISKCON image, reimagining the setting in terms of Mughal and Rajput miniature painting conventions | |
Krishna's revelation to Arjuna of his cosmic self is depicted in kalamkari (though not half as terrifyingly as in the text itself) | |
And in Madhubani style | |
And in painting | |
And in modern printed forms | |
After the lesson, Arjuna is ready to launch the great fratricidal war, and Krishna urges the horses into battle, as shown in batik form | |
And in modern printed form as well |
content for
A modern Orissan pata-chitra of the famous opening Gita scene
Source: ebay, June 2001
The lesson of the Gita; a modern pata-chitra painting from Orissa
(downloaded March 2001)
A more colorful pata-chitra version
(downloaded Dec. 2004)
Another modern version
(downloaded July 2005)
== Indian Routes index == Indian Routes sitemap == Glossary == FWP's main page ==
Vishnu Avatar
A print from the Ravi Varma Press, c.1910's
Source: ebay, Nov. 2006
Another version, with no fangs: a bazaar art print from c.1910-20
Source: ebay, Feb. 2006
A Vishva-rupa print, Bombay, earlier 1900's
Source: ebay, June 2002
Another early print of the same scene; click on the image for a very large scan
Source: Bought on ebay and scanned by FWP, Apr. 2009
A print by C. Konddiah Raja, c.1950's
Source: ebay, May 2006
Bazaar art, c. mid-1900's
Source: ebay, May 2007
A modern religious poster
Source: ebay, Sept. 2008
"The universal form," from an ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) website
(downloaded Nov. 1999)
Bazaar art, c.1980's; this one seems to suggest a little of the "fire of time" imagery
Source: ebay, Dec. 2007
Bazaar art, c.1990's
Source: ebay, Apr. 2008
Bazaar art, c.1990's; two gold-bordered versions
Source: ebay, Oct. 2008
== Indian Routes index == Indian Routes sitemap == Glossary == FWP's main page ==
the battlefield of Kurukshetra,
On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Krishna prepares to instruct Arjuna, a modern poster
(downloaded Oct. 1999)
Another representation of the scene
(downloaded Dec. 2004)
Bazaar art print, c.1940's
Source: ebay, May 2005
A didactic print from the 1960's that uses the Gita scene as a focal point for general religious instruction
Source: ebay, Mar. 2006
Krishna appears simultaneously as charioteer and as deity (bazaar art, c.1990's)
Source: ebay, Sept. 2008
== Indian Routes index == Indian Routes sitemap == Glossary == FWP's main page ==
Religious customs in Narsinga (an old name for Vijayanagar); from a five-volume set of travel accounts of 'India Orientalis' and elsewhere, by Johann Theodore de Bry and Johann Israel de Bry, Frankfurt, c.1599; more engravings from this work, some with modern hand coloring:
*Some Arab and Ethiopian inhabitants of Goa*
*Fishing boats of Goa and Cochin*
*"A foist with a Portuguese pavilion"*
*A shipwreck during a voyage that included Goa and Point de Galle*
*"Illustration of a certain horrible robbery, perpetrated in the state of Goa" [a wife conspires to rub and murder her husband]*
*Wedding rituals in Ballagate, near Goa*; *the whole page*
*Funeral rituals in Ballagate*; *the whole page*
*"Balliadera" [bayadere]*; *the whole page*
*Village life in India*; *the whole page*
*Brahmins and merchants*; *the whole page*
*The King of Bali*
*View of a market in Bantam*
*People of Malacca*
*People of Sumatra*
*Javanese dancers*
*Javanese drummers*
*A council in Java*
*A Javanese trireme*
*An attack on a Dutch ship in Java*
*Dutch ships in Amboina*
*Nomination of a regent in China*
*Women warriors of Monomotapa, southern Africa*
*Mexicans killing captives*
*Dutch warships off the island of Brava, Costa Rica*
*The Dutch in the island of Mocha, Chile*
Source: ebay, Jan. 2008
== Indian Routes index == Indian Routes sitemap == Glossary == FWP's main page ==