Meena's are Suryavanshi or Chandarvanshi !


Solar Dynasty

Ikshvaku is one of the ten sons of Shraddhadeva Manu, Shraddhadeva was the king of the Dravida Kingdom before the Pralaya, the great flood.

The flood by the Matsya avatara of Vishnu, he saved humanity by building a boat that carried his family and the saptarishi to safety. He is the son of Vivasvana and is therefore also known as Vaivasvata Manu. He is also called Satyavrata (always truthful).

The genealogy of the Ikshvaku dynasty to Rama is mentioned in the Ramayana .

Now let's see how it connects...

Solar dynasty

Also known as the Ikshvaku dynasty

According to the Puranic literature, the Solar dynasty or the Ikshvaku dynasty was founded by the legendary king Ikshvaku. The dynasty is also known as Sūryavaṁśa ("Solar dynasty" or "Descendants of the Sun") and along with Lunar dynasty comprises one of the main lineages of the Kshatriya VarnaRama belonged to the Ikshavaku dynasty.

Ikshvaku is one of the ten sons of Shraddhadeva Manu, Shraddhadeva was the king of the Dravida Kingdom before the Pralaya, the great flood.

Shraddhadeva was the king of the Dravida Kingdom during the epoch of the Matsya Purana.[3] According to the Matsya PuranaMatsya, the avatar of Vishnu


Descendants of Shraddhadeva manu

Shraddhadeva married Shraddha and had ten children including Ila and Ikshvaku, the progenitors of the Lunar and Solar dynasties, respectively.[16]

Matsya kingdom was in alwar in ancient period and now Meena's tribe found all over rajasthan

Still confused?

Between Meena, Menu , Matysa, Dravida

Matsya Kingdom was one of the solasa (sixteen) Mahajanapadas (great kingdoms) during vedic era as described in the hindu epic Mahabharta and 6th BCE Buddhist text Anguttara Nikaya. In the modern era, the United States of Matsya was a brief union of 4 princely states of BharatpurDholpurAlwar and Karauli temporarily put together from 1947 to 1949.[1]Kingdom of Matsya

We are the descendants of the great king Ikshvaku

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To be continued

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