Ancient battle Matsya

Battle of the Ten Kings

The Battle of the Ten Kings is a battle alluded to in the Rigveda (Book 7, hymns 18, 33 and 83.4–8), the ancient Indian sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. The Battle of the Ten Kings may have "formed the 'nucleus' of story" of the Kurukshetra War, narrated in the Mahabharata.


Trtsu-Bharata (Indo-Aryan)

Bhrigus (Indo-Aryan)
Dasa (Dahae?)
Druhyus (Gandharis)
Matsya (Indo-Aryan)
Parsu (Persians)
Purus (Indo-Aryan)
Panis (Parni)Commanders and leadersKing Sudas
VashishtaThe Ten Kings
VishvamitraStrengthUnknown but lessMore than 6,666Casualties and lossesUnknown but less6,666 (Mandala 7)

The Bharatas are named among the enemies in 7.33 but not in 7.18.

  • Alinas: One of the tribes defeated by Sudas at the Dasarajna, and it was suggested that they lived to the north-east of Nuristan, because the land was mentioned by the Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang.
  • Anu: Some place them in the Paruṣṇī (Ravi) area.
  • Bhrigus: Probably the priestly family descended from the ancient Kavi Bhrigu. Later, they are related to the composition of parts of the Atharva Veda (Bhṛgv-Āṅgirasa) .
  • Bhalanas: Fought against Sudas in the Dasarajna battle. Some scholars have argued that the Bhalanas lived in the Bolan Pass area.
  • Druhyus: Some align them with the Gandhari (RV I 1.126.7).
  • Matsya are only mentioned in the RV (7.18.6), but later in connection with the Śālva.
  • Parsu: The Parśu have been connected by some with the ancient Persians.
  • Purus: One of the major tribal confederations in the Rigveda.
  • Panis: Also the name of a class of demons; later associated with the Scythians.


The situation leading up to the battle is described in 7.18.6: The Turvasas and Yaksus  together with the Matsya tribe (punned upon by the rishi by comparing them to hungry fish (matsya) flocking together) appear and ally themselves with the Bhrigus and the Druhyus.

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Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.


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