MeenA latest

IT is CLEARLY written in UNIVERSITY BOOKS..that Meenas(Mina/Matsya/Mena/Minout) is a aboriginal community means a tribal community.The Meena kingdom was known as Matsya kingdom in sanskrit was mentioned in the RIG VEDA.They decent from Lord Matsya/Meen or Meenesh and worships Lord Shiva.Also Matsya purana is the oldest puranas of India.The tribals religion is Aadim Dharma. Bhils and Minas are the oldest tribes of Rajasthan(India) since INDUS CIVILIZATION.Till 1400BC they ruled the land which is now called rajasthan,they were humbeled by the adventurous aryans but regained control and lived peacefully. Due to their war like characteristics they were Bhils and Minas were included in Agnivanshi kshatriyas(written in University book Rajasthan ka itihas),They were respected by Hunas,Kusans etc. Bhils and minas are poor agriculturist people of rajasthan.Only 2%of the mina tribe are graduate so far.According to news published in THE TIMES OF INDIA news paper dated 31august2010 even after 17years only 7%seats are filled of OBC(other backward classes of India) out of 27%seats reservation;Moreover only 2% of ST/SC are in class 1 jobs.In India for Equality there is a strong need of OBC/SC/ST reservation in billion dollor Corporate world and Private Sector.Then only the deprived and backward classes(more than 70%people/majority of poor people) will be able to compete higher and forward classes.There is a strong need of extending reservation policy in all sphers and jobs for equality among our people.Being a good human let us try for the wellbeing of crores of People..Thanks. 


The 67.7 million people belonging to "Scheduled Tribes" in India are generally considered to be 'Adivasis', literally meaning 'indigenous people' or 'original inhabitants', though the term 'Scheduled Tribes'

I see you have removed the section about the Scheduled Tribe status of Meenas in India. Please note that "Scheduled Tribe" is a constitutional term for socially undermined groups. The term is kosher in public discourse and is not derogotary. Meenas are the most widely known Scheduled Tribe of Rajasthan. Not to allow this fact to be documented in a clear manner in the wikipedia article makes it totally inauthentic with no reflection of the real world. If you want this article to have any semblance of crediblity , you need to restore that section (with spelling corrections, of course). All the references from reliable sources were provided there



HISTORY OF STs The epic of Mahabharata refers to the death of Krishna at the hands of a Bhil Jaratha. In the ancient scriptures, considered to be sacred by the upper castes, various terms are used depicting Adivasis as almost non-humans. The epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata, the Puranas, Samhitas and other so-called 'sacred books' refer to Adivasis as Rakshasa (demons), Vanara (monkeys), Jambuvan (boar men), Naga (serpents), Bhusundi Kaka (crow), Garuda (King of Eagles) etc. In medieval India, they were called derogatorily as Kolla, Villa, Kirata, Nishada, and those who surrendered or were subjugated were termed as Dasa (slave) and those who refused to accept the bondage of slavery were termed as Dasyu (a hostile robber).

Ekalavya, one of their archers was so skillful that the hero of the Aryans, Arjuna, could not stand before him. But they assaulted him, cutting his thumb and destroying his ability to fight - and then fashioned a story in which he accepted Drona as his Guru and surrendered his thumb as an offering to the master! The renowned writer Maheshwata Devi points out that Adivasis predated Hinduism and Aryanism, that Shiva was not an Aryan god and that in the 8th century, the tribal forest goddess or harvest goddess was absorbed and adapted as Siva's wife. Goddess Kali, the goddess of hunters, has definitely had a tribal origin.

The invasion of Adivasi territories, which for the most part commenced during the colonial period, intensified in the post-colonial period. Most of the Adivasi territories were claimed by the state. Over 10 million Adivasis have been displaced to make way for development projects such as dams, mining, industries, roads, protected areas etc. Though most of the dams (over 3000) are located in Adivasi areas, only 19.9% (1980-81) of Adivasi land holdings are irrigated as compared to 45.9% of all holdings of the general population. India produces as many as 52 principal, 3 fuel, 11 metallic, 38 non-metallic and a number of minor minerals.

Of these 45 major minerals (coal, iron ore, magnetite, manganese, bauxite, graphite, limestone, dolomite, uranium etc) are found in Adivasi areas contributing some 56% of the national total mineral earnings in terms of value. Of the 4,175 working mines reported by the Indian Bureau of Mines in 1991-92, approximately 3500 could be assumed to be in Adivasi areas. Income to the government from forests rose from Rs.5.6 million in 1869-70 to more than Rs.13 billions in the 1970s. The bulk of the nation's productive wealth lay in the Adivasi territories. Yet the Adivasi has been driven out, marginalised and robbed of dignity by the very process of 'national development'.

EVERYTHING THAT IS WRITTEN IS RIGHT: Meenas are warrior tribe of Rajasthan ennough clue has been given by someone above so there is no need to further discussion. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Maheshjagarawal24 (talk • contribs) 17:14, 9 January 2012 (UTC)

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