We are a Teenager of the Meena Tribe, and we proud of our culture and we respect our "samaj". We have some questions.
1.Why we don't know about our history?
2.Why Our Tribe was treated as a criminal Tribe?
3.Why some People hate Us (specially, when they know that we are From ST ).
4.Why our parents don't give freedom whether it is Boy/Girl ( As compared to other Guys).
Thanks to God for giving us the best Parents. But, why they don't want their children as an Owner of the Company, As a Musician
Other names Mahesha, Shankara, Bholenath, Neelkanth, Mahadeva
Shiva is show in INDUS valley in yogic position , and INDUS is Dravidian Civilization , And meena Caste RAJASTHAN also had Dravidian DNA , so we can calim thet the Present SON and Daughter of God SHIVA is Present in Form of Meena or in form of every person with his name Like meena had connection with shiva's wife parvati's mother Mena Mainvati , ,,,,. Not just Meena You and all also the children Of god shiva who was Dravidian , and Manu the first man was our Ancient Ancestor's ancestor . MANU is son Of BRAHMA and SARSWATI , MANU encounter with MATSYA (TGF) in fish foam , manu was the king of DRAVIDIAN kingdom , so its also clear that our Ancient Ancestor's Ancestor was MANU and He was DRAVIDIAN . Now let's see how Meena -> Manu -> BRAHMA-< Shiva -> BRAHMA -< Vishnu -> Jyoti Niranjan
Personal information Consort Menavati Children Ganga Parvati Mainak Parents Brahma (father) Siblings Jambavan ( Younger brother)
parents of HIMVAN : strage but we belive God is every Thing this time god is in Form Of mountain and Had Daughter PARVATI , *HIMVAN'S wife Is Mena (Mainavati)
Parvati married with SHIVA and Had 3 Children
Departure in Search of His (vishnu,shiva )Father Brahm
Vishnu's Departure in Search of His Father Brahm and Being Blessed by His Mother Durga
After this, Mother Durga (Prakriti) asked Vishnu, "Son, you may also search for your father." Vishnu, in search of his father (Kaal-Brahm), went to Patal lok (Nether world), where there was 'Shesh naag'. On seeing Vishnu entering into his jurisdiction, he sprayed his venom furiously on Vishnu. Vishnu's skin colour turned black under the effect of the venom, as if he was spray-painted. Vishnu thought of teaching the snake a lesson. Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal) thought of pacifying Vishnu and through an ethervoice, ordered Vishnu to go back to her mother and narrate the entire true account. Kaal also said to Vishnu that whatever trouble Sheshnaag has caused you now, you may take its revenge in Dwaparyug. In Dwaparyug, you (Vishnu) will incarnate as 'Krishna', and Sheshnaag will incarnate as a snake named 'Kalindri' in Kalideh (a river).
Unch hoi ke neech sataave, taakar oel (revenge) mohi so paavae | Jo jeev deyi peer puni kahoon, hum puni oel divaavein taahoon ||
Then, Vishnu came to his mother and told the truth that I did not see father. Mother Durga (Prakriti) was very pleased to hear the truth and said, "Son, you are truthful. Now I will introduce you to your father by my power and will remove all your doubts."
Kabir Vani - Kabir dekh putra tohi pita bhitaun, tore man ka dhokha mitaun | Man swaroop karta keh jaano, man te dooja aur na maano | Swarg patal daur man kera, man asthir man ahae anera | Nirankar man hi ko kahiye, man ki aas nish din rahiye | Dekh hoon palti sunya meh jyoti, jahan par jhilmil jhalar hoti ||
Durga's Blessing to Vishnu:
In this way, Mother Durga told Vishnu that man (mind) is the Doer of the world (which governs the world); this only is Jyoti Niranjan.
The thousand lights, which you see in meditation, only is his (Brahm's) appearance. The sound of conch shells and bells etc. which you hear are Brahm's only, and are ringing in Mahaswarg.
Mother Durga said that son, you are the king of all gods and I will fulfil all your wishes and tasks. You will be worshipped in the whole world because you have told me the truth.
It is a particular habit of all the living beings in Kaal's twentyone brahmands that they try to uselessly glorify themselves. Like, Durga is telling Vishnu Ji that you will be worshipped in the world. I have shown your father to you. Durga misled Vishnu by only showing him the light. Shri Vishnu Ji also started explaining this state of God to his followers that only God's light is visible. God is formless.
Durga also asks Shiv to search for his Father:
After this, Aadi Bhavani (Durga) went to Rudra (Shiv / Mahesh / Mahadev) and said that Mahesh, you may also search for your father. Both of your brothers did not get to see your father. I have given them whatever I had to. Now you may ask whatever you want. Mahesh said, "Oh, mother! If both of my elder brothers did not get to see father, then it will be useless for me to try. Please give me such a blessing that I may become immortal (mrityunjay/win over death). Mother said, "I cannot do this. But, I can tell you a method by which you will attain the longest life.
The method is meditation (therefore, Mahadev Ji mostly remains in meditation)."
In this way, Mother Durga (Ashtangi / Prakriti) distributed the respective departments to her three sons -
God Brahma, to create bodies of 84 lakh species of life in Kaal lok (21 Brahmands of Kaal are also called Kaal Lok) i.e. gave him the department of producing living beings by compelling them for reproduction of offsprings under the effect of Rajogun (the effect of the feeling of having sex) .
To god Vishnu, the department of nurturing these living beings (according to their actions), and maintaining the state by developing love and affection.
To god Shiv Shankar (Mahadev), the department of destruction because their father Niranjan has to daily consume one-lakh human beings.
Here a question will arise in the mind that how do creation, preservation and destruction occur by Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar Ji.
These three live in their own loks. Like, these days to run the communication system, satellites are launched above in the sky, and they run the communication system on the Earth. Similarly, wherever these three gods live, the subtle (sukshm) waves of the gunas (qualities) radiating from their bodies automatically and maintain an effect on every living being in the three loks.
The above-mentioned description is of Brahm's (Kaal) creation in one Brahmand. There are twenty-one such brahmands of Kshar Purush (Kaal).
But Kshar Purush (Brahm/Kaal) himself never appears before anyone in his visible form i.e actual bodily form. The three gods (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv) did not see Brahm (Kaal) despite doing worship to the best of their ability based on the methods mentioned in the Vedas to achieve him (Kaal). Later, Rishis (sages) read the Vedas. In it, it is written that
"AgneH Tanur Asi" (Holy Yajurved, Adhyay 1, Mantra 15) - the Supreme God has a body.
In Holy Yajurved, Adhyay 5, Mantra 1, it is written that "AgneH Tanur Asi Vishnve Tva Somasya Tanur Asi".
In this mantra, Ved is stating twice that the omnipresent and preserver of all, Sat Purush (Supreme God), has a body.
In Holy Yajurved, Adhyay 40, Mantra 8, it is said that (Kavir Manishi) the God for whom every living being is yearning, He is Kavir i.e. Kabir. His body is without blood vessels (Asanaaviram ) and is devoid of a physical body (Akaayam ) made up of the five elements formed from seminal fluid (Shukram´).
That Master of all is seated in the topmost Satlok. That Supreme God has a self-illuminated (Swarjyoti) body made up of the masses of lights (tejpunj), which is in shabd/word-form i.e. is eternal. He is the same KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir) who is the creator of all the brahmands (Vyaddhata), (SwayambhuH the first MAN of WORLD ) who appears Himself i.e. is self-existent (Yatha tathya arthan ) in reality (Shashvat´) is eternal (this is also evident in Gita, Adhyay 15, and Shlok 17).
It means that the name of the body of Supreme God is Kabir (Kavir Dev). The body of that Supreme God is made up of the element of light.
The body of God is very subtle and becomes visible to only that worshipper whose divine vision has opened up. Similarly, the living being also has a subtle body which is covered by a layer i.e. body made up of the five elements which is formed from the seminal fluid (shukram ) by the union of mother-father. Even after leaving the body, the subtle body remains with a living being. That body is only visible to a worshipper whose divine vision has opened up. Understand the state of the Supreme God and a living being in this way.
In Vedas, there is a evidence of chanting (Sumiran) 'Om ' mantra, which is only worship of Brahm. With this aim, considering the 'Om ' mantra as of the Purna Brahm, the sages (Rishis) tried to attain God by meditating (hath yog) for thousands of years. But did not see God, just gained supernatural powers (siddhis). By playing with those siddhis-like toys, the sages remained in the cycle of life and death and wrote God as 'formless' in the books based on their own experiences.
Brahm (Kaal) has pledged that I will never appear before anyone in my real form. I will be considered 'invisible' ('invisible' means that somebody is in form but does not manifest personally in physical form. Like, in the daytime the sun disappears as the sky becomes cloudy. It is not visible, but in reality, is present as it is behind the clouds; this state is called 'invisible'/unmanifested). [For evidence see Gita, Adhyay 7, Shloka 24 -25; Adhyay 11, Shloka 48 and 32].
Brahm (Kaal), the narrator of the Holy Gita Ji, by entering into Shri Krishan ji's body like a ghost, is saying, "Arjun, I am an enlarged Kaal and have come here to eat everyone (Gita Adhyay 11 Shlok 32). This is my original appearance, which neither could anybody see before you, nor would anyone be able to see in future. This means that nobody can see this original form of mine by the method of yagya-jap-tap35 and the 'Om ' naam etc. mentioned in the Vedas (Gita Adhyay 11 Shlok 48). I am not Krishna; these foolish people are considering the invisible/unmanifested me, as being visible/manifested (in human form) as Krishna because they are unaware of my bad policy that I never appear before anyone in this original Kaal form of mine. I remain hidden by my Yogmaya (Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 24, 25). Please think: - Why is he himself calling his policy of remaining hidden as bad/inferior (anuttam)?
If a father does not even appear before his sons, then there is a fault in him because of which he is hidden, and is also providing all the facilities to them. Kaal (Brahm) has to daily eat one-lakh human beings because of the curse on him. He has created 84 lakh births/life forms (yoni) to fix the extra 25 percent born daily and to make them bear the punishment of their actions (karmas). If Brahm eats someone's daughter, someone's wife, someone's son, and motherfather in front of him or her then everybody will start hating him, and whenever the Supreme God Kaviragni (God Kabir) comes himself or sends any messenger (sandeshvaahak) of his, then all the human beings, by doing true devotion (Sat-bhakti) will get out of Kaal's trap. Therefore, Brahm deceives everyone. He also mentions the salvation (mukti) from his devotion as 'the worst' (Anuttamam ) and his policy as 'worst' (Anuttam ) in Holy Gita, Adhyay 7, Shlok 18, 24 and 25.
In the Brahmlok in every brahmand, he has built a Mahaswarg . In a Mahaswarg (Great Heaven), at one place he has created a fake Satlok - fake Alakh lok - fake Agamlok and fake Anami lok through Prakriti (Durga / Aadi Maya) to deceive the human beings. There is a shabd (hymn) of God Kabir "Kar naino deedaar mahal mein pyaara hai". In it there is a speech that "Kaaya bhed kiya nirvaara, yeh sab rachna pind manjhaara hai Maya avigat jaal pasaara, so kaarigar bhaara hai Aadi Maya kinhi chaturaai, jhuthi baaji pind dikhaai, avigat rachna rachi and maahi, vaaka pratibimb daara hai "
In a brahmand, there is creation of other loks also, like Shri Brahma ji's lok, Shri Vishnu ji's lok and Shri Shiv ji's lok. From here, the three gods become the master of and govern, one region in each of the three lower loks [(Swarg lok) Heaven which is Indra's lok, (Prithvi lok) Earth and (Patal lok) Nether world] and hold the responsibility of creating, preserving and destroying the living beings for the food of their father. The three gods also have births and deaths. Then Kaal eats them too.
In this very brahmand [a brahmand is also known as 'and' (egg-shaped) because a brahmand has an elliptical shape. It is also known as 'pind' (body) because a brahmand's creation can be seen in lotuses (kamal) in the body (pind) as in a television], there is also a Mansarover (a very big lake) and Dharmrai's (justice) lok. Like every country has an embassy, the Supreme God also lives in a different form, in a secret place, in every brahmand. Nobody can go there. Those souls live there whose Satlok's bhakti is balance yet. When bhakti Yug40 comes, then at that time, Supreme God Kabir ji sends His representative Complete Saint Satguru41 . At that time, these pious souls are born as human beings on earth and they soon acquire Sat bhakti (true devotion) and after taking initiation from Satguru attain complete salvation. The earlier earned bhakti of the pious souls (Hans-aatmas42) in that place does not get expended. All the facilities are provided from God's repository. Whereas, the bhakti earnings of Brahm's (Kaal) worshippers are utilized in the heaven - Mahaswarg because in this Kaal lok (Brahm lok) and Parbrahm's lok, the living beings only get returns for what they have done.
Kshar Purush (Brahm) has divided his twenty brahmands into four Mahabrahmands. In one Mahabrahmand, he has grouped five brahmands and has blocked them by encircling from all four sides in an elliptical shape. He has then blocked the four Mahabrahmands by encircling them in elliptical shape. He has created the twenty-first brahmand in the space of one Mahabrahmand. On just entering the twenty-first brahmand, he has built three pathways. In the twenty-first brahmand also, on the left hand side, has built fake Satlok, fake Alakh lok, fake Agam lok and fake Anami lok with the help of Aadi Maya (Durga), to deceive living beings. And on the right hand side, keeps the twelve greatest Brahm worshippers (Bhakts). Then, in every yug44 sends them on Earth as his messengers (sant satguru), who impart ways of worship and knowledge which are not in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, and who themselves become devotionless (bhaktiless) and also entangle their followers in Kaal's web. Then both that Guruji and his followers go to hell.
In the front, Kaal has put a lock (kuluf). That pathway goes to Kaal's (Brahm's) own lok where this Brahm (Kaal) lives in his actual human-like form. In this place there is a griddle-like piece of rock (which itself remains hot) on which, he roasts the subtle bodies of one-lakh human beings and taking out grime (mael) from them eats it. At that time all the living beings suffer from excruciating pain and start screaming and then after sometime become unconscious. The living beings do not die. Then after going to Dharmrai's45 lok obtain different births based on their karmas (deeds) and the cycle of life and death goes on. Brahm opens the aforesaid lock in front for fractions of a second for only those living beings who are his food. This lock itself opens up by Purna Parmatma's (Supreme God's) Satyanaam46 and Saarnaam47
video series 1-2 Video 1st -2nd and history i guess
Can i ask u a question, do you think about You’re self/Us? Did you know who are we? Who create and Why ? Who is Our Ancient Ancestors? Who create the God to establish the universe, Because God also Human, and he lives with Ancient Human, our holy text explain about god.
. So its obvious that someone else, created The God? . And please don't think that I am opposing The God, I am also Said the same thing that, who was The God of Ancient Ancestor's God?
Menes, also spelled Mena, Meni, or Min, (flourished c. 2925 bce), legendary first king of unified Egypt, who, according to tradition, joined Upper and Lower Egypt in a single centralized monarchy.
its menes lets see the true story
Under the reign of Viswamitra, first king of the Dynasty of Soma -Vanga, in consequence of a battle which lasted five days, Manu -Vina, heir of the ancient kings, being abandoned by the Brahmans , emigrated with all his companions, passing through Arya , and the countries of Barria, till he came to the shores of Masra [Cairo].” (History of India, by Collouca-Batta). Unquestionably this Manu-Vina and Menes , the first Egyptian King, are identical.Arya , is Eran (Persia ); Barria, is Arabia, and Masra, was the name of Cairo, which to this day is called,Masr, Musr, and Misro. Phœnician history names Maser as one of the ancestors of Hermes .”
The identity of Menes is the subject of ongoing debate, although mainstream Egyptological consensus identifies Menes with the Naqada III ruler Narmer[2][3][4][9] (most likely) or First Dynasty pharaoh Hor-Aha.[10] Both pharaohs are credited with the unification of Egypt to different degrees by various authorities.
Narmer and Menes
Two Horus names of Hor-Aha (left) and a name of Menes (right) in hieroglyphs. Main article: Narmer Ivory tablet of Menes
The ivory label mentioning Hor-Aha along with the mn sign.
Reconstructed tablet.
The almost complete absence of any mention of Menes in the archaeological record[5] and the comparative wealth of evidence of Narmer, a protodynastic figure credited by posterity and in the archaeological record with a firm claim[3] to the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, has given rise to a theory identifying Menes with Narmer.
The chief archaeological reference to Menes is an ivory label from Nagada which shows the royal Horus-nameAha (the pharaoh Hor-Aha) next to a building, within which is the royal nebty-namemn,[15] generally taken to be Menes.[5][a] From this, various theories on the nature of the building (a funerary booth or a shrine), the meaning of the word mn (a name or the verb endures) and the relationship between Hor-Aha and Menes (as one person or as successive pharaohs) have arisen.[2]
The Turin and Abydos king lists, generally accepted to be correct,[2] list the nesu-bit-names of the pharaohs, not their Horus-names,[3] and are vital to the potential reconciliation of the various records: the nesu-bit-names of the king lists, the Horus-names of the archaeological record and the number of pharaohs in Dynasty I according to Manetho and other historical sources.[3]
Flinders Petrie first attempted this task,[3] associating Iti with Djer as the third pharaoh of Dynasty I, Teti (Turin) (or another Iti (Abydos)) with Hor-Aha as second pharaoh, and Menes (a nebty-name) with Narmer (a Horus-name) as first pharaoh of Dynasty I.[2][3] Lloyd (1994) finds this succession "extremely probable",[3] and Cervelló-Autuori (2003) categorically states that "Menes is Narmer and the First Dynasty begins with him".[4] However, Seidlmayer (2004) states that it is "a fairly safe inference" that Menes was Hor-Aha.[10]
Reconstruction of the Narmer-Menes Seal impression from Abydos
Naqada Label reconstruction Garstang 1905, p. 62, fig3
Although highly interrelated, the questions of "who was Menes?" and "who unified Egypt?" are actually two separate issues. Narmer is often credited with the unification of Egypt by means of the conquest of Lower Egypt by Upper Egypt. While Menes is traditionally considered the first king of Ancient Egypt, Narmer has been identified by the majority of Egyptologists as the same person as Menes. Although vigorously debated (Hor-Aha, Narmer's successor, is the primary alternative identified as Menes by many authorities), the predominant opinion is that Narmer was Menes.[b]
The issue is confusing because "Narmer" is a Horus name while "Menes" is a Sedge and Bee name (personal or birth name). All of the King Lists which began to appear in the New Kingdom era list the personal names of the kings, and almost all begin with Menes, or begin with divine and/or semi-divine rulers, with Menes as the first "human king". The difficulty is aligning the contemporary archaeological evidence which lists Horus Names with the King Lists that list personal names.
Two documents have been put forward as proof either that Narmer was Menes or alternatively Hor-Aha was Menes. The first is the "Naqada Label" which shows a serekh of Hor-Aha next to an enclosure inside of which are symbols that have been interpreted by some scholars as the name "Menes". The second is the seal impression from Abydos that alternates between a serekh of Narmer and the chessboard symbol, "mn", which is interpreted as an abbreviation of Menes. Arguments have been made with regard to each of these documents in favour of Narmer or Hor-Aha being Menes, but in neither case, are the arguments conclusive.[c]
The second document, the seal impression from Abydos, shows the serekh of Narmer alternating with the gameboard sign (mn) sign, together with its phonetic compliment, the n sign, which is always shown when the full name of Menes is written, again representing the name “Menes”. At first glance, this would seem to be strong evidence that Narmer was Menes.[27] However, based on an analysis of other early First Dynasty seal impressions, which contain the name of one or more princes, the seal impression has been interpreted by other scholars as showing the name of a prince of Narmer named Menes, hence Menes was Narmer's successor, Hor-Aha, and thus Hor-Aha was Menes.[28] This was refuted by Cervelló-Autuori 2005, pp. 42–45; but opinions still vary, and the seal impression cannot be said to definitively support either theory.[29]
Two necropolis sealings, found in 1985 and 1991 in Abydos, in or near the tombs of Den[30] and Qa'a,[31] show Narmer as the first king on each list, followed by Hor-Aha. The Qa'a sealing lists all eight of the kings of what scholars now call the First Dynasty in the correct order, starting with Narmer. These necropolis sealings are strong evidence that Narmer was the first king of the First Dynasty—hence is the same person as Menes.[32]