So How many Manus are there?

MANU the father of mankind

so now we start to know how many manus are there?

To understand this, we shall first have to go through the basic calculation of time for Lord Brahma. Just like our own division of time, each day of Brahma (known as a Kalpa) is divided into 14 Manvantars (~ our 12 Hours) and each Manvantar is composed of 72 Chatur Yugas ( ~ our 60 Minutes).  

Age of Universe according to Vedas<br/>

As you can observe from the chart above, the Chatur-yuga and Manvantar periods run into huge time spans. For the smooth functioning of such long intervals of time, each of these has a different set of Gods and Guardians.

For example, the post of Indra passes to the most deserving of the Devas every Manvantar and alongwith him, the groups of DevasSaptarishis etc. also change posts and so does the Manu

Thus, there are a total of 14 Manus in EACH day of Brahma and it is in deference to Manu that the division of time is called a Manvantar!

Right now, we are nearing the Noon of the 1st year of the 51st day of our Brahma's life. This implies there have already been a total of

{14x360x50 = 252000 Manus for previous Years + 7 for this day} = 252007 Manus till now! 

Mercifully, our scriptures do not give us the details of the previous years of Brahma's life and only talk about the CURRENT day known as the Varah Kalpa :o)

The Current Day of Brahma

At the end of the 50th Year of Brahma, there was the usual flooding and destruction. Brahma rested for the night and at the break of the First Dawn of his 51st Year, started the process once again {For details check the post - Creation by Brahma}.

Shrimad Bhagvatam gives the names of all the past, present and future Manus for the current day of Brahma.

Fourteen Manus and corresponding Indras----------->

Now, our Swayambhu Manu and Shatrupa ( female deity ) were all set to take their place in the scheme of things and populate the Earth with their progeny. But, when they tried to locate their future home, the planet Earth was not to be found anywhere!

This is what had happened - While Brahma was busy with the creative process, a demon called Hiranyaksh 

Hiranyaksh  (the Golden-Eyed), had abducted the Earth-goddess Bhumi from her central position in Bhu-loka and imprisoned her in the Lower planetary system of Rasaatal. Consequently, Manu and Shatrupa did not have a planet of their own anymore. 
DEVIL’S SHINE: A scene from the battle between Vishnu as Varaha and Hiranyaksha Courtesy, B.N. Goswamy

I used to be quite confused as a kid as to what ocean could be so huge that an entire planet can drown and get submerged in it! Shrimad Bhagavatam clarifies that this ISN'T an earthly water-body we are talking about, but the Cosmic Ocean known as Garbhodak that forms the base of our Universe.

Earth trapped at the bottom of the Garbhodak Ocean

Brahma was dismayed and started praying to Lord Vishnu for help. The benevolent Lord then adopted the form of a huge boar (Varaha) to perform the dual task of releasing Bhumi-devi from imprisonment and vanquishing the demon Hiranyaksh

 The above image was made by Shyam Prabhu and Emily

One may wonder why Lord Vishnu took this particular form at that time. The reason for it is pretty simple and is related to  what I call the 'Boon of Conditional Immortality'.What I am referring to is the practice where an Asura would perform great penance directed towards Brahma in order to obtain Immortality and Brahma would grant him the boon BUT with an inherent condition. 

An Asura praying to Brahma for Immortality 

We saw in the Post {Devi - God as a Female}, the Minotaur Mahish, who had conquered the Three Worlds, had to be killed by a Female warrior because he had the Boon of Conditional Immortality against Males of any species. Hence Devi Durga had to be created from the combined energy of all Gods.

Similarly, Hiranyaksh asked for a boon of invincibility
against ALL known species of Men, Animals, Birds and Divine Beings
(male as well as female), but FORGOT to enumerate the Wild-Boar or Varah. Hence, Lord Vishnu had to incarnate in this particular form to put an end to the demon's life. 

gigantic Varah entered the cosmic waters and began to search for the
captive planet. He found the submerged Earth and raised it on His tusks
up to the top of the Garbhodak Ocean, after which He proceeded to kill the evil demon Hiranyaksh. Since this Kalpa started with the appearance of Lord Vishnu, it is known as the Varah Kalpa and because of the First Man - Manu, the First Manvantar is known as the  Swayambhu Manvantar

Lord Varah heralding the present 51st Day of Brahma

Thus Varah-avatar was the FIRST Avatar of Lord Vishnu in the present day of Brahma and this incident took place 6 Manvantars = 1.8 Billion Solar Years ago!! 

After the Earth was restored to its proper position, Manu and Shatrupa took charge of its affairs. They had two sons Priyavrat and Uttanpad-  and two daughters Devahuti andAkuti.- The two sons were married to daughters of the rishis while the two daughters of Manu were married to the Manas-Putras

sons of Priyavrat were the ones who established dominion over the
Mortal Realm. Priyavrat and his wife Kamya had 2 daughters and 10 sons, 7
of whom became the rulers of the Seven Mortal Realms. We have touched upon these realms in the previous post {Lokas, the Planets of Advanced Aliens} and I am sharing with you the names of the seven sons of Agnidhra who established their kingdoms in these planets.

7 rulers of 7 Mortal Dvipas 

Empe- ror Agnidhra became the monarch of our own planet Earth (Jambudvipa) and
when the time was opportune, he divided his kingdom into 9 different
continents for his 9 sons. The details of this division can be obtained
from my earlier post {Jambudweep - The Global Island}.

Manu's other son, Uttanpad also begot extremely virtuous sons and three of them viz,Uttam, Raivat and Tamas became the Manus for 3rd, 4th and the 5th Manvantar respectively. The fourth son Dhruva, because of his undying devotion to Lord Vishnu, became the guardian of the ONLY spiritual Abode in this Material Universe, the Dhruva Loka. Let's know a little more about the Manvantars that have already come to pass in the Present Day of Brahma.

PAST Manvantars of the VARAH KALPA     (2). Swarochis- h Manvantar - Swarochi was the Manu for the second Manvantar and the son of fire-god Agni. He had sons named Dyumana, Sushen and Rochisman. 

During that Manvantar, Indra’s post was occuppied by Rochan and instead of the present Adityas, Tushitas w- ere the gods.

These Tushitas are better detailed in Buddhist Cosmology where they are described as superior Devas dwelling in the Tushita Heaven led by their ruler Santushita. This is where all Bodhisattvas destined to reach full enlightenment in their next life dwell before descending to Earth.

Tushita gods bidding Buddha adieu on his descent from Heaven

Another noteworthy- detail mentioned for this Manvantar, is the story of a virtuous king Surath, who had worshiped Goddess Durga and obtained the boon of having an unbroken empire on earth. Consequently, this king would be born as the son of Sun-god Surya and would become the eighth Manu!

Tushita gods bidding Buddha adieu on his descent from Heaven

Ma Bhagvati blesses King Surath to attain Manu-hood

Uttam Manvantar - The third Manu Uttam was the younger son of Priyavrat and hence the grandson of Swayambhu Manu. In this Manvantar, seven sons of Vasishth were the Saptarishis. Indra’s name was Satyajit and Satya, Vedshrut and Bhadra were the main courtiers. 

Tushita gods bidding Buddha adieu on his descent from Heaven

 Tamas Manvantar - Tamas, the fourth Manu was the younger brother of Uttam. Trishikh/Shibi was Indra then, and Satyak, Hari, Veer etc. were his main courtiers. There were four categories of demigods namely Supar, Hari, Satya and Sudhi, each of them with 27 members each. During this Manvantar, Lord Vishnu had saved the King of elephants Gajendra from the jaws of a cursed Gandharva who had turned into a Makar. By slaying the crocodile with HisSudarshan Chakra, Lord Vishnu liberated him from his curse and also saved the King of the Jungle.

Gajendra praying to Lord Vishnu for rescue

 Raiwat Manvantar - Raiwat was the fifth Manu and the brother of Uttam and Tamas, the previous two Manus.Vibhu was the name of Indra and there were four categories of demigods namely Amitabh, Bhootrath, Vaikunth and Sumedha with - 14 deities each. Lord Vishnu had then appeared in the incarnation of Vaikunth, the son of RIshi Shubh and his wife Vikuntha.

Tushita gods bidding Buddha adieu on his descent from Heaven

Chakshush Manvantar - The sixth Manu was Chakshush and during his Manvantar,  Mantradruma was the Indra. 

Apya, Prasoot, Bhavya, Prithuk and Lekh were the categories of gods each with 8 demigods. During this Manvantar, Lord had appeared in the partial incarnation as Ajit, the son of Vanraj and his wife Sambhuti. In His complete incarnation, Lord Vishnu supported mount Mandrachal on his back as the Kurma when the Samudra-Manthan took place. Thus, the Cosmic Churning of the Ocean occurred  in the 6th Manvantar when the leader of the Gods was MANTRADRUMA and that of the Demons was Maharaj BALI, the grandson of Prahlad Maharaj. 

This was the time when Devas obtained the Nectar of Immortality - Amrit from the ocean alongwith riches like the wish-fulfilling Kamdhenu cow- ; Parijaat tree; Airavat, the white elephant and Uchhaishrava, the flying horse.

Kamdhenu emerging from the Samudra Manthan

Airavat, the King of Elephants

 Ajit expansion of the Lord on top of Mandar Parvat

 At the end of this Manvantar, when the Great Deluge was to occur, another one of Lord's incarnations took place and for a very specific purpose.Lord Surya's son Satyavrat ruled the Dravid-desha in that period. When it was time for him to retire to the forest, he handed over the kingdom to his eldest son Ikshvaku (who gave rise to the Solar Dynasty). He then went to the foothills of Mount Malaya and started to perform meditation.

After a long time, Brahma appeared to him and granted him a boon. Satuyavrat knew the time was nigh for the end of the Chatur-Yuga, hence he asked the boon that he be allowed to carry on the role of Manu in the NEXT Manvantar and Brahma readily granted this boon. 

mornin, Satyavrat was performing ablutions in a pond and immersed his
hands in the water so that he might offer some water to his
ancestors. When he raised his cupped hands, he was amazed to find a tiny
minnow (shafari) in his hands and that too, a talking one!

Satyavrat finds a tiny talking fish in his hands

The tiny fish requested for shelter and Satyavrat obliged the creature. But, during the night, the fish grew too large for the small pot it was in, so in the morning, the King had to transfer it to a small pond and then move it to a still bigger one. King gets the fish moved from one pond to another


However, the tiny fish continued to grow over the next day while Satyavrat took the fish from one pond to another and finally to the ocean, but soon it grew as large as the ocean itself! It was then, that the significance of what had happened struck the King, andHe realized that the fish was none other that the Supreme Lord Vishnu Himself and immediately bowed down to pay his respects. 

Satyavrat realizes the magical creature is Lord Vishnu Himself!

The Lord, pleased with his humility, told him that he was to be the Manu for the next Manvantar. The responsibility of saving all species of life for their continuation in the next eon also lay with him. The Lord told him that exactly seven days after that day, Pralaya or the Great Deluge will come and everything will be swallowed by the mighty ocean waves. 

Lord Vishnu told Satyavrat that the demigods themselves would construct a ship and he was to take with him the Saptarishis and a pair each of all species of living beings worth saving, and wait at the same spot for the Lord to come there. 

All species of Life collected for the next Yuga

The appointed day came, and clouds completely filled the sky. The torrential rains caused by Seven classes of clouds, known as Samvarta, Bhimananda, Drona, Chanda, Valahaka, Vidyutapataka and Kona bega- n and entire land mass was flooded.

as instructed by Vishnu, Manu, along with his consort Shradha, the
Saptarishis, chosen animals and plants was safe aboard the ship being
buffeted by waves as large as mountains. As promised, at the predicted
time, Lord Matsya appeared. His body had a golden effulgence and now He had a horn on His head.

Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu

The boat was tied by means of Nag-raj Vasuki, to the horn on the head of Matsya and thus, the virtuous devotees of Lord were saved to take life ahead to the next Eon. During the period of Deluge, Vaivasvat Manu asked Lord Vishnu several questions and this conversation is recorded in the form of the Matsya Puraan.

Matsya Avatar saving Manu and Life for the Present Manvantar

At last the rain stopped, the water took some more time to subside, and the land peeped out from under its watery prison. As promised, Satyavrat Vaivasvat Manu and his associates had been saved, and began the task of settling in the new world.

The PRESENT Manvantar

 (7). Vaivasvat- Manvantar - As mentioned above, in the present era, the seventh Manu, Shardhdev or Vaivasvat is the son of Surya. The Mahabharat declares: 

anu was imbued with great wisdom and became the progenitor of a line.
And in Manu's race have been born all human beings, who have, therefore,
been called Manavs."

This implies that the Earth was
repopulated by the progeny of Manu and all the Human-beings existing
today are descendants of Manu.

Comparing with the western mythologies, Vaivasvat Manu is the counterpart of Noah, whom the Hebrew Bible, declares to be the tenth and last of the ante-diluvian Patriarchs. 

The Qur'an cont-
ains 43 references to Noah and declares that he received a revelation
to build an Ark, after his people refused to believe in his message and
hear the warning.

Noah's Ark from a Biblical description

The Ark's occupants from a Koranic depiction

are so many myths in different World Mythologies regarding the DELUGE
that it certainly seems to have been a historical phenomenon of Global

In Greek Mythology, Deucalion is
forewarned of the flood and he builds an ark and staffs it with
creatures. Similar legends exist in Norse Mythology, African legends and
the foundational myths of the Quiché and Mayas, and the story of Utnapishtim in the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh.

is MORE than likely that all the above myths refer to the
same phenomenon, one which we scientifically KNOW to have taken place -
that of the Ice Age!! 

The Ark carrying Manu/Noah/Utnap- ishtim/Deucalion and
other survivors would have been guided by the global currents generated
by the melting waters. The Quran claims that this Ark rested atop Mount Judi. However, Hindu records identify the site withManali in
the Himalays, which was obviously the highest land available on the
planet. In fact, on my visit to Himachal Pradesh, I discovered that the
ONLY temple to Manu in the entire World is located at Manali, and the
name of the place itself commemorates Manu's landing!!

Temple of Manu at Manali

The last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago and this would have been the time-period of our current Manu. Manu and his wife Shradha  are believed to have ushered in the New Age through their 10 sons- Ikshvaku, Drisht, Sharyati, Narishyanta, Nabhag, Disht, Karush, Prishadhra, Vasumana and Sudyumna/Ila.
As- mentioned earlier, the eldest one IKSHVAKU gave rise to the illustrious Suryavansh in which was born Lord Rama, while from ILA, came the Chandravansh, in which Lord Krishna took birth. For details of these two genealogies, please check the following links: {Suryavansh - The Solar Dynasty and Chandravansh - The Lunar Dynasty}. Genetically
speaking, our Manu would probably have been brown-skinned in order to
cover all color variations from fair to the dark! Also, medically, the
Blood-groups for Manu andShradha would -
probably have been A-ve  for Manu and B+ve for Shradha in order to to
cover all the groups from the ABO series!! Would be interesting to
find some archaeological evidence for this hypothesis.

All different races of Mankind are derived from Manu and Shradha

   In Theosophy,
Vaivasvat Manu is one of the most important beings at the highest
levels of Initiation of the 'Masters of Ancient Wisdom', along with
Sanat Kumar, Gautam Buddha and others. These beings act as the 'ROOT'
for the Human race in the New Eon. 

Coming to the divinities, our present Indra is Shakra, also known as Purandar and his courtiers are the Adityas, Vasus, Rudras, Vishvadevas, Marudgana, and the Ashwini Kumars.
Kashyapa, Atri, Vashishtha, Vishvamitra, Gautam, Yamdagni and Bhardwaj
are the Saptarishis. During this Manvantar, Lord Vishnu has incarnated
as Vaman, the son of Kashyap and Aditi.

Vaman Avatar of Lord Vishnu

is interesting to note, that while the Indra had changed from one
Manvantar to the other, the ruler of the Asurs was STILL Maharaj Bali. Maharaj Bali was
a benevolent king but he was ambitious and urged by his rakshas
subjects, attacked and wrested control of the Heavens from Indra. The
Devas were thus rendered homeless and to help them regain control of
their planet, Lord Vishnu incarnated as the dwarf Vaman. 

The Lord thus took back the THREE WORLDS from Bali and sent him to rule the Underworld. We saw in the previous post{Lokas, the Abodes of Advanced Aliens}, that Bali Maharaj right now resides in the lower planetary system of Sutal

there's more to this story and we shall see what happens to Bali
Maharaj ahead. Till now, we have discussed the Six Eons which have
passed and the one that is going on. You would be surprised to know,
that the Puranic descriptions do not stop at this! The
SEVEN Manvantars of the FUTURE are equally well detailed in the
Bhagavaatm complete with the list of the Indras, Manus, Saptarishis,
other gods, their sons and the incarnations of Lord Vishnu!!

The FUTURE Manvantars of Varah Kalpa
     (8). Savarni Manvantar - King Surath, whom we encountered in the Second Manvantar, would be born as the son of Surya and Chhaya and because of Goddess Durga's blessings, would become the eighth Manu - Savarni.
We saw in the previous Manvantar that Lord Vaman had
wrested control of the Three-Worlds from Bali Maharaj. However, because
of his goodness of heart and spiritual nature, the Lord blessed him to
become the Indra in the next Manvanatar! 

Hence, Vairochan- Bali, the pious Asura who was the King of Demons for two Manvantars, would become the King of Gods in the next Manvantar!!

Bali arrives in Amravati to claim his right from Purandar

Image courtsey Grant Morrison's 18 Days{Artist - Mukesh Singh}

  This shows that even if you are born a demon, with the Lord in your heart, you can even obtain the highest position in the Swarga-Loka, that of Indra himself! However, it seems our present Indra would not be too willing to let go of his throne (quite similar to our modern politicians eh!) and Bali will need help from the next incarnation of Lord Vishnu  -  Sarvabhaum, (the son of Devguhya and Saraswati) to obtain the title of Indra.In this incarnation, Lord Vishnu would snatch the kingdom of Swarga-loka from Purandar and give the crown to King Bali. Sutap, Amitabh and Mukhya will be the categories of demigods with 20 deities each and Galav, Diptiman, Parashuram, Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, Rishyashring and Vyas would be the Saptarishis. 

(9). Ninth Manvantar - Daksha-savarni, the son of Varun, the Lord of the Ocean would be the ninth Manu. Adbhut would be the Indra and during that Manvantar, Para, Marichgarva and Sudharma wi- ll be the three categories of gods with 12 deities each.

 (10). Tenth Manvantar - Upashloka’s son Brahma-savarni would be the tenth Manu. He would be very pious in nature and have sons like Bhurishen etc. Shambhu would be the Indra, with Suvasana, Viruddh etc. as his main courtiers. Lord Vishnu would appear in the incarnation of Vishwasen as the son of Vishwasrij and his wife Vishuchi and would be a friend of Indra. Sudhama and Vishuddh-  will be the two categories of gods with 100 deities each. 

About the author

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