We are a Teenager of the Meena Tribe, and we proud of our culture and we respect our "samaj". We have some questions.
1.Why we don't know about our history?
2.Why Our Tribe was treated as a criminal Tribe?
3.Why some People hate Us (specially, when they know that we are From ST ).
4.Why our parents don't give freedom whether it is Boy/Girl ( As compared to other Guys).
Thanks to God for giving us the best Parents. But, why they don't want their children as an Owner of the Company, As a Musician
The Villavar and Minavar—The Nagas tribes - THE MAYAN (usa)
The two tribes were evidently a primitive race which was spread over the whole of India, as they are still found in large numbers in Kajputana and Guzarat, where they are known as Bhils and Meenas, and in the Canarese country, where they are called Billavar.
Villavars were the primary rulers among the Dravidians who once ruled the whole of India.
Villavars(Bowmen) were archers who once emerged from the hunting clans of India. They were also known as Ezhinar or Eyinars in Chera(Present day Kerala) and Tamil countries respectively. The Bhil tribals, The Billavas of Tulunadu of Karnataka, The Villavar Clans of Kerala who founded the Chera Kingdom all are Villavars. The Ezhavas or Illavas of Kerala are also descendents of this Villavar tribe of Kerala. The Villavars of Kerala and Illavars of Sri Lanka after whom Eeelam or Heladipa is named were relatives. Alwar, Alvar, Aluvar or Alva are the titles shared by all the Villavar tribes.
Villavar was a tribe of hunters living in the southern part of ancient India. The word villavar derives from the Dravidian word for bow (vil). The villvars lived in hill tracts and forests; [1]. Chera kings used the title villavan[2][3]
The oldest of tribes who dwelt in Tamilakam were the Villavar and Minavar. The • Villavar or bowmen (from the Dravidian word ml meaning a bow) inhabited hilly tracts and jungles, and lived by the chase; and the Minavar or fishermen (from the Dravidian meen, a fish) subsisted by fishing and resided in the valleys and plains, or on the sea-coast. The two tribes were evidently a primitive race which was spread over the whole of India, as they are still found in large numbers in Kajputana and Guzarat, where they are known as Bhils and Meenas, and in the Canarese country, where they are called Billavar.
These semi-barbarous tribes were conquered by the Nagas, who were a very numerous and civilised race, and who at one time or other ruled a great portion of India, Ceylon and Burma. They are mentioned in the Bamayana, and the Naga capital, which probably lay in the heart of the Dekkan is described in that epic as follows:—
Near Bhogavati stands the place Where dwell the hosts of the serpent race,
A broad-wayed city walled and barred Which watchful legions keep and guard.
The fiercest of the serpent youth Each awful for his venomed tooth ;
And throned in his imperial hall Is Vasuki who rules them all.
Explore the serpent city well,
Search town and tower and citadel,
Scan each field and wood that lies Around it with your watchful eyes.
From the Maliabharata we learn that there were Naga kingdoms between the Jumna and the Ganges about the 13th century B. C. When the kings of the Lunar race of Aryas wanted to found a second capital near the spot where Delhi stands at present, they had to dislodge the Nagas who occupied
1. Griffith's Bamayana IV, 205. Indian Antiquary, Vol. VIII. p. 5.
The Tamils Eighteen Hundred Years Ago
it. Arjuna, the hero of the poem, in his banishment is said to have married first Ulipi, the daughter of a Naga king, then Chitrangadai, daughter of Chitravahana, the Naga king of Manipura. Parikshit, the grand son of Arjuna was killed by Thakshaka, a Naga king, and hence Janamejaya, the son of Parikshit had to wage a long and bloody war with the Nagas and killed thousands of them. They appear again in history in the 6th century B. C. When a Naga dynasty ruled Magadha ; and it was during the reign of Ajatasatru, the 6th king of this race, that Gautama Buddha preached his new faith which soon found favour with the Nagas. 1 The Ceylonese historical works all begin with an account of the Nagas. It appears from these works that in the 6th century B. C. there were powerful Naga king¬ doms on the western coast of the island which was called Nagadwipa or Naga island on that account. The Naga capital was at Kalyani. The niece of the king of Kalyani was married to a Naga king of the Kanawaddamano mountain, which was evidently Kandamadanam, a hill near the modern Ramesvaram on the Indian coast, opposite to Kalyani. In the ancient sculp¬ tures at Amaravati and elsewhere which were executed more than eighteen hundred years ago, the human figures, which are represented with serpent hoods spread wide at the back of them, are Nagas. 2 Some fragments of the sculptures which were removed from the ruins at Amaravati may now be seen at the Government Museum, Madras. In these sculptures the Naga kings are distinguished by the hood of a five or seven-headed serpent at their back, Naga princesses by a three-headed serpent, and ordinary Nagas by a single-headed serpent. The artists who executed these sculptures with considerable labour and care seem to have imagined that the Nagas partook of the nature of serpents, and that their bodies were partly human and partly serpentine. The ancient Tamil poets appear to have shared this belief, for, they speak of the Nagas who were contemporary with them, as human beings, while at the same time they describe the ancient Nagas as serpents living underground. In describing the antiquity and wealth of Kaviripaddinam, the Chola capital, the author of the Chillappathikaram states that it was an ancient
The aboriginal Villavar and Minavar appear to have had no gods. The Nagas who first conquered the aboriginal races, which inhabited the Tamil country, worshipped the dread goddess K&li and sacrificed many a buffalo at her shrines. The image of KAli was decked in a most frightful manner. Her matted hair was tied up like a crown on her head, with the shining skin, •of a young cobra : the curved tusk of a boar was fastened in her hair to resemble the crescent. A string of tiger’s teeth served as a necklace on her shoulders. The striped skin of a tiger was wound round her waist like a garment. A strong bow bent ^tnd ready to shoot was placed in her hand; and she was
ORIGINS:Dravida Kingdom
Vaivasvata, also known as Sraddhadeva or Satyavrata or MANU , was the king of Dravida before the great flood
Dravida is mentioned as one of the kingdoms in the southern part of present-day mainland India during the time of the Mahabharata. Sometimes the name Dravida was used to denote all the southern kingdoms (like the Chera, Pandya and Chola kingdoms) collectively[
The king of Dravida Kingdom ?
The origin of Dravida
Mahabharata links the origin of Dravidas with sage Vasistha. Viswamitra, a king in the Ikshwaku clan, attacked the cow of Vasistha. Then many armies emerged for the protection of that cow and they attacked the armies of Viswamitra. Cow symbolizes land, in ancient Indian scriptures. Thus this war was fought with the countries allied with Vasistha.Other kingdoms that were mentioned along with the Dravidas in this incident were Sakas, Yavanas, Savaras, Kanchis, Paundras and Kiratas, Nishada, Yavanas and Sinhalas, and the barbarous kingdoms of Khasas, Chivukas, Pulindas, ChinasHunas with Keralas, Mlechchhas, etc.THE JANAPATHAS AND KINGDOMS OF SOUTH INDIA There are many Janapathas and kingdoms in the southern region of India, referred to in the Mahabharata. Most of these Janapadas are named after the community inhabiting them or vice versa. Some purar:ias, like the Matsya and the Vayu, rightly consider the Narmada and Mahanadi axis as the dividing line between Northern and Southern India and include the Tapti basin within the Southern region. Tittirah These people, mentioned in the Mahabharata, are found in the army of Yuddhisthar along with many north-western tribes. According to Shefer, on the evidence of Matsya puran, they are a Dravidian people of the region adjacent to the Chola and Pandays terntones. Reference P225 shodhganga ch5
In religio-mythology, Abraham and Brahma, aka the “Abraham/Brahma motif” (Goodman, 1994), Brahma and Abraham, or Abraham = Brahma (Ѻ), refers to multiply overlapping parallels between the Hebrew patriarch figure Abraham (500BC) and the Hindu creator god Brahma (900BC), and their respective wife-sisters Sarah and Saraswati (see: Sarah and Saraswati); both sets of which derive from the older Egyptian astro-theology coupling of Ra/Sirius (c.3500BC), i.e. Sun-Star based theology
A diagram of the Abraham and Brahma connection from a chapter of Libb Thims' Zerotheism for Kids (2016), explaining how Abraham and Brahma, and Sarah and Saraswati, are not real people (nor gods), but anthropomorphism of an ancient astro-theological belief of the connection of the sighting of helical rising of Sirius, the start of the annual Nile River flood, and the re-powering of the sun. [13]
Abraham & Brahma | pre-Rosetta Stone era
In c.1000 to 500BC, it was known that Jewish priests were of Egyptian origin; for example:
“The ‘Choens’ [Cohens] (Ѻ) are most senior Egyptian priest-teachers.”
Hence, it would have been known that the fictional prophet "Abraham" would be of Egyptian origin, in derivation. In the years to follow, however, with the decline of the Egyptian Empire
The Egyptian language and religion became less well known; accordingly scholars began to attribute Abraham to an Indian origin; for example:-
“ ‘This man’, answered Aristotle, ‘was by birth a Jew, and came from Celesyria; these Jews are descended from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calani’.”
Accordingly, in the years c.500BC to 1820s, prior to the making (189BC), later discovery (1799), and translation (1820) of the famed tri-lingual Rosetta stone, the key to understanding Egyptian hieroglyphics, and theological system, of the Egyptians, this language conveys, decoded in preliminary form dissection (1840s-1870s), then later in more refined form (1910s-1920s), there was no way for an intelligent person, e.g. Voltaire or Kant, to be able to discern that Hinduism (900BC) and Judaism (500BC) are both derived from ancient Egyptian religio-mythology (3100BC), itself based an ancient astro-theology. Accordingly, thinkers in this general era, if they noticed Abraham = Brahma connection, generally had no choice, per reason of lack of better data, but to conclude that Abraham derived from the Brahma model of the Hindus. This is what we call the "pre-Rosetta Stone era". In the "post-Rosetta Stone era", in the late 19th century (c.1870s-present), it became clear that both Abraham and Brahma were independently copied from the older Sun-Sirius + Nile River flood theological cyclical model, which turned Ra-Isis + Nun god model, which morphed into the reincarnation-based Hindu version and the resurrection based Jewish-Christian-Islam version, respectively.
The following are pre-Rosetta Stone era, i.e. before 1870s, related Abraham and Brahma connecting quotes, made in the period when Egyptian hieroglyphics were either not yet understood (pre 1820s), or there meaning was just beginning to be disseminated (1840s-1870s):
“‘Abraham’ and his wife ‘Sarah’ are derived from ‘Brahma’ and his wife ‘Saraswati’.”
People from this camp, in short, will tend to argue that Judaism was copied from Hinduism and the Jewish priests originally Indian priests, which is an incorrect view.
“The names Abram and Brahma are equivalent in numerical value.” — Charles King (1864), The Gnostics and Their Remains, Ancient and Mediaeval (pg. 13)
Abraham, Brahma & Ra | post-Rosetta Stone era
The following are post-Rosetta Stone era, i.e. after 1870s, related Abraham and Brahma connecting quotes, during which time it began to become apparent that Ra (sun) and Isis (Sirius), sun-star based Egyptian mythology (3100BC), rooted ancient astro-theology (3500BC), predates both Babylonian mythology (2300BC), Persian mythology (1100BC), Hindu mythology (c.900BC), and Hebrew mythology, therein being the determinate original source of the Brahma/Saraswati, Abraham/Sarah commonalities:
A 1912 etymology of Abraham, as "father Ra, born of earth, at is fire city", by American comparative mythologist Wakeman Ryno, who is explicitly defined as a solar-astrological based fictional character. [2]
“The fire-god of Ur was Ab-Ram. The Hebrew world ‘Ab’ means ‘father’, and Ram (head sign of the Zodiac) means ‘most high’. Ab-Ram and Is-Ra-El were names of Saturn.”
— Samuel Dunlap (1858), Vestiges of theSpirit History of Man; cited by Hilton Hotema (1956)[6]
“So Ab, the original, Ram, or due east point, the orient, or origin of all light, or Braam of Sanscrit, by disguising its true meaning and mystifying the multitude by inserting at the proper place this H converted Abraam into Ab-ra-ham, or Ab, the first, original,Ra, the father or sun god, and Ham the Egyptian founder; or God the father of Ham.”
— Karl Anderson (1892), The Astrology of the Old Testament [1]
“Here Adam and Eve (Earth and Sky, Sibu and Nuit) mourned their first born Abel (summer), who had been killed by his brother Cain (lance). with the lance-like frosts of win-ter. Here Abraham (Ab-RA-Ham, father Ra at his Fire-City) mourned his father Terah (Earth). Here is where the God Saturnus mourned his mother Terra (Earth). Here is the dark abyss of Tartarus where Cronus receives his scythe. Here is the Ur of Chaldees, where Old Father Time cuts off the year with his sickle.”
In 1956, Hilton Hotema, in his Ancient Sun God, building on Samuel Dunlap (1858), devoted an entire chapter to “Ab-Ram the Sun-God”; a synopsis his views from one of his later books is as follows:
“The story of Abraham is a myth. Abraham himself is a myth. It was usual with the Old Arabians to regard Satum and Abram as their progenitor, and while looking upon Saturn as their father ... He was a child named Ab-ram, and this name is later changed to Ab-ra-ham. Charles King in his work, The Gnostics, states that the words "brahma" and "abrahrn" have the same numerical value. When we run this ‘allegory’ down, we discover that Abram (Abraham) is just another myth of the sun
— Hilton Hotema (1963), The Secret of Regeneration [3]
The following are post-Rosetta Stone era etymologies, making the Brahma = Abraham connection, but remaining ignorant as to the older "father Ra born of Keme" following the annual 150-day Nile River flood marked by the helical rising of Sirius (Sarah/Saraswati) etymology:
“Abram is but the Hindu Brama, with a as prefix instead of suffix; and Brama was the original name of the Hindu creator. Later the letter h was added, thus making it Brahma. The letter h signifies life, and thus did Brama, Abram, and Sarai in due time receive life, or being, which implies that in the beginning they did not have it.”
— Lloyd Graham (1975), Deceptions and Myths of the Bible [4]
“There are certain striking similarities between the Hindu god Brahma and his consort Saraisvati, and the Jewish Abraham and Sarai, that are more than mere coincidences.” — Gene Matlock (c.2002), “Who Was Abraham?”[9]
“The similarities between Abraham and Brahma have not gone unnoticed. Abraham is said to be the father of the Jews, and Brahma, as the first created being, is often seen as the father of mankind. Abraham’s name is derived from the two Semitic words ab meaning ‘father’ and raam/raham meaning ‘of the exalted….’ We might also note that the name of Brahma’s consort Sarasvati seems to resonate with that of Abraham’s wife, Sarah [… each one’s identity as a wife and/or sister]. Also, in India, the Sarasvati River includes a tributary known as the Ghaggar…. According to Jewish tradition, Hagar was Sarah’s maidservant…. Both Brahmins … and Jews see themselves as the ‘chosen people of God.’ The Hebrews began their sojourn through history as a ‘kingdom of priests’ (Exodus 19:6). Likewise, Brahmins are also a community of priests. ” — Steven Rosen (2006), Essential Hinduism [5]
“Brahma, the Hindu God of Creation, is Abraham. Sarasvati, the Hindu Goddess of knowledge and wisdom and consort to Brahma, is Sarah, Abraham's wife. I first came across the idea that Abraham and Brahma might be connected around 1999 but can't remember exactly where I saw it other than remembering doing an internet search on something and coming up with a site with this information. The site I think also connected Hammarabi to Abraham to Brahma as all variants of the same person. In Hebrew, the names for Brahma and Abraham would be written the same way: BRHM, with the vowels excluded. But Krishna sounds and looks like Christ, so what of the similarity? And I put this information on my mental back burner until debating with Muslims on internet talkboards several years later and again ran across another Abraham-Brahma connection checking out some Hindu Vedic sites countering Islamic doctrines. Abraham is the Brahma of the South. The Brahma of Egypt, the Black Brahma. The Saturn Brahma. Osiris is the Sun Brahma. Hindu Vedic merchants were trading spices heavily with Egypt and Canaan through the Yemen-Sabeans who are linguistically and culturally connected to Canaanite Hebrews. At some point ancient Hebrews picked up both Egyptian royalty racism and Vedic Brahmin ideas such as the whole "Priests of God" racial prejudice against Gentiles seen as inferior human beings just as Brahmins considered other castes less than themselves. The End of Abraham chapter tells more about how Jewish authors plagiarized Hindu Vedic religious personages, Brahma and Sarasvati, to create Abraham and Sarah.” — Stephen Lewis (2007), Biomystical Christianity [7]
References 1. Anderson, Karl. (1892). The Astrology of the Old Testament: Lost World Regained (pg. 10). Health Research Books, 1996. 2. Ryno, Wakeman. (1912). “Comparative Mythology” (Ѻ), The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal, 34:41-46. 3. Hotema, Hilton. (1963). The Secret of Regeneration (§: Allegory of Abram (Abraham), pgs. 136-37). Health Research Books, 1998. 4. Graham, Lloyd M. (1975). Deceptions and Myths of the Bible (pg. 113). Citadel Press Books. 5. (a) Rosen, Steven. (2006). Essential Hinduism (pg. 12). Greenwood Publishing Group. (b) Murdock, Dorothy. (2009). The Gospel According to Acharya S (pg. 70). Stellar House Publishing. (c) Rainbow Warrior. (2014). “Brahma and Abraham: Divine Covenants of a Common Origin” (Ѻ), Academia.edu. 6. (a) Dunlap, Samuel F. (1858). Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man(Ra, 19+ pgs; Brahma, 24+ pgs; Abraham, 15+ pgs; Ab-Ram, 7+ pgs). Publisher. (b) Hotema, Hilton. (1956). Ancient Sun God (pg. 26). Publisher. 7. Lewis, Stephen. (2007). Biomystical Christianity (bio; Egyptian Connection; End of Abraham). BioMystic.org. 8. (a) Doreste, Tomas. (1998). Moisés y los Extraterrestres. Group Edit. Planeta. (b) Matlock, Gene. (c.2002). “Who Was Abraham?”(Ѻ). Hermetics.org. 9. Matlock, Gene. (c.2002). “Who Was Abraham?”(Ѻ). Hermetics.org. 10. (a) Postel, Guillaume. (1552). Abrahami patriarchae liber Jezirah. Publisher. (b) Robertson, John. (1889), Christ and Krishna (pg. 6). Publisher. (c) Bouwsma, William J. (1957). Concordia Mundi: the Career and Thought of Guillaume Postel (1510-81) (pg. 61). Harvard University Press. (d) Goodman, Hananya. (1994). Between Jerusalem and Benares: Comparative Studies in Judaism and Hinduism (pg. 270). SUNY Press, 2012. 11. Goodman, Hananya. (1994). Between Jerusalem and Benares: Comparative Studies in Judaism and Hinduism (pg. 4). SUNY Press, 2012. 12. (a) Poliakov, Leon. (1974). The Aryan Myth (translator: Edmund Howard)(pg.186). Basic Books. (b) Goodman, Hananya. (1994). Between Jerusalem and Benares: Comparative Studies in Judaism and Hinduism (pg. 270). SUNY Press, 2012. (c) Cowan, Robert. (2010). The Indo-German Identification: Reconciling South Asian Origins and European Destines, 1765-1885 (pg. 52). Camden House. (d) Agarwai, M.K. (2013). The Vedic Core of Human History (pg. 322). iUniverse. 13. Thims, Libb. (2016). Smart Atheism: For Kids (pdf | 309-pgs). Publisher. 14. Pliny (the Elder). (77AD). Natural History, Volume 1(translators: John Bostock and H.T. Riley) (pg. 67). Henry G. Bohn, 1855. 15. Gordon, J.S. (2011). Land of the Fallen Star Gods: the Celestial Origins of Ancient Egypt (pg. #). Inner Traditions.
Further reading ● Rainbow Warrior. (2014). “Brahma and Abraham: Divine Covenants of a Common Origin” (Ѻ), Academia.edu.
Timeline of GoD (creation) and Ancient Human Civilization
The Sun formed from the gravitational collapse of a region within a large molecular cloud. Most of the matter gathered in the center (Sun), while the rest flattened into an orbiting disk that became the Solar System (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).Sun was about 70% as bright as today.Our solar system is currently orbiting at around 24,000–26,000 light-years from the galactic center of the Milky Way, completing one orbit in about 225–250 million years.The distance of the Sun from Earth is approximately 149.6-million kilometers. At this average distance, light travels from the Sun to Earth in about 8 minutes and 19 seconds.
Formation Of Universe
Detailed study about Ancient Ancestro's Ancestor , How they became human and then God ,
NOW See how Earth Became inhabitant For God and Human
Homo sapiens is the only extant human species. The name is Latin for "wiseman"
SAGES - WISE MAN Ancient Ancestors Title
The Seven Sages or Seven Wise Men , was the title For seven philosophers, statesmen, and law-givers of the 6th century BC who were renowned for their wisdom.
wise men is used for sages , because sages are those who discover and give the knowledge to human like economy , finance , math , language , vedas , etc
THE living Homo sapiens IS "AKHA" Thailand ,The Akha are an ethnic group who live in small villages at higher elevations in the mountains of Thailand
A Burmese depiction of the Akha in the early 1900s
Female Homo erectus , one of the first trulyhuman Ancient ancestors of modern humans.
Forensic reconstruction of an adult male Homo erectus.
Origin and dispersal
The Narmada fossil, discovered in 1982 in Madhya Pradesh, India, was at first suggested as H. erectus (Homo erectus narmadensis) but later recognized as Homo sapiens.[112]
A diorama showing Homo erectus, the earliest human species that is known to have controlled fire
The control of fire by early humans was a turning point in the cultural aspect of human evolution. Fire provided a source of warmth, protection, a way to create more advanced hunting tools, and a method for cooking food. These cultural advances allowed human geographic dispersal, cultural innovations, and changes to diet and behavior. Additionally, creating fire allowed human activity to continue into the dark and colder hours of the evening.
Homo erectus use fire and this is a revolutionary invention of human , now H. erectus start Migration and that's how the first GOD is Created called The SUN or surya , fire , agni devi , energy , positive vibes , and all , H.erectus use fires to protect humans from wild animals and they cook food for those human who didn't know about fire and hence they give the title of GOD (g) discovery of fire is a man , society make him GOD .
to be continouee from copy pink homini timeline ........
Ancestors of Rama was MANU or IKSHVAKU
The ancestors of Lord Ram : are described below according to Vishnu Purana and Valmiki Ramayana. The famous personalities of Suryavansha as per Vishnu Purana, Valmiki Ramayana, Ramakatha Rasavahini and Raghuvansha Charitram are Ikshvaku(son of manu ), Vikukshi, Kakusta, etc. The city of Kosala and Ayodhya was founded by Manu (earliest Prajapathi) and by his son Ikshvaku whose descendant was Ram.
from the information and data we can say that the king of the dravida kingdom is MANU (shraddhadeva , satyavrata, vavivasvata manu) and his son IKSHVAKU whose descendant was RAM.
let's go through some more facts and info
As it's clearly show that rama and ikshvaku had a connection , Genealogy connection which clearify that rama is Dravidian not aryan
MANU AND AKKADA CIVILIZATIONS : a record of clairvoyant investigation
(1)S'rî S'uka said: 'After Sudyumna, thus had disappeared, Vaivasvata Manu, his father desiring a(nother) son, executed austerities at the Yamunâ for a hundred years. (2) After for the purpose of offspring having worshiped the Godhead, Lord Hari, Manu begot ten sons who were like him and of whom the eldest was named Ikshvâku [see also 8.13: 2-3]. (3)Prishadhra was among the sons of Manu by his guru ordered to herd cows. For that purpose he had taken the vow of vîrâsana ['tostand prepared with a sword'] to protect them at night [see also 4.6: 38]. (4) One night when it was raining, a tiger entered the land of the cowshed. Out of fear all the cows lying down, got up and spread all around the field. (5-6) When the strong animal seized one of the cows, it began to cry out of distress and fear. Prishadhra, hearing the screaming, took his sword and hastily followed the sound, but because the clouds covered the stars that night, he mistook the cow for the tiger and by mistake cut off its head. (7) The tiger, also being hit by the sword, had its ear cut off and fled most afraid, leaving a blood trail.(8) Prishadhra thinking that he had killed the tiger, to his dismay discovered the next
morning that he being a hero, with his sword had killed the cow. (9) The family preceptor [Vasishthha] cursed him for the unintended sinful deed saying: 'Having acted like a s'ûdra, you cannot belong to the kshatriyas. Because of that unholy deed it is your karma to become a s'ûdra.' (10) The hero thus being cursed by his guru, accepted the words with folded hands and took the vow of celibacy the way the sages want it. (11-13)Exclusively devoted to Vâsudeva, the Supreme Lord and Soul of all, the Transcendence and Purity in person, he was equal and kindhearted towards all living beings. Freed from attachments, peaceful within and self-controlled, he was, free from possessions, of a vision in which he could accept whatever that was available for his physical needs, the way it for the benefit of the soul was arranged by His grace. Always with his mind focussed on the Supreme Self within and thus fully absorbed being satisfied in spiritual realization, he traveled all over the earth appearing to others as if he were deaf, dumb and blind. (14) After thus being engaged, he entered the forest and, as a saint, achieved the ultimate transcendental goal the moment he out there ran into a forest fire that he allowed to consume himself [see also B.G. 4: 9].
(15)Another son, Kavi [or Vasumân], the youngest one, had no attachments to material pleasures. After giving up his father's kingdom along with his friends, he, still a young man, entered the forest and reached the transcendental world by always keeping the effulgent Supreme Person in his heart.
(16)From the son of Manu Karûsha [or Tarûsha] there was a dynasty of kshatriyas called the Kârûshas who, as kings of the northern realm, were highly religious protectors of the brahminical culture.
(17)From Dhrishtha [or Shrishtha] a caste of kshatriyas originated who, in the world having achieved the position of brahmins, were named the Dhârshthas. From Nriga there was the succession of first Sumati, Bhûtajyoti and thereafter Vasu. (18) From Vasu's son Pratîka there was one named Oghavân ['the uninterrupted tradition'] who fathered another son named Oghavân who had a daughter who also carried that name: Oghavatî. She married with Sudars'ana.
(19)From Narishyanta there was Citrasena, Riksha was his son and he begot Mîdhvân. Mîdhvân's son was Pûrna and Indrasena was Pûrna's son. (20) Because of Indrasena there was Vîtihotra, from him there was Satyas'ravâ, Urus'ravâ was his son and Devadatta was his son. (21) Devadatta's son became the most powerful Agnives'ya, who was Agni in person. He was a mahârishi, a great saint,also known as Kânîna and Jâtûkarnya. (22) From Agnives'ya a dynasty of brahmins came forth known as the Âgnives'yâyanas. Oh King, I have thus described the descendants of Narishyanta, let me now tell you about Dishtha's dynasty.
. He, by contrast, answered to the vocation of the vais'yas
. His son was Bhalandana and from him there was Vatsaprîti. His son was named Prâms'u and Pramati was his son. Khanitra is known as Pramati's successor. He in his turn was succeeded by Câkshusha and his son was Vivims'ati. (25) Vivims'ati's son was Rambha and his son, Khanînetra, was most religious. From him there was the scion Karandhama, oh great King. (26) Avîkshit
was his son and his son, Marutta, became emperor. The great mystic Samvarta, the son of Angirâ, engaged him in performing a yajña. (27) The like of Marutta's sacrifice has never been observed since, because all that he used was made of gold and everything that he had was of the greatest beauty. (28)Indra was delighted to drink the soma-rasa, the brahmins were generously compensated, the Maruts [the demigods of the wind] offered foodstuffs, and all the gods of the universe were part of the assembly. (29) Dama was Marutta's son and from him there was a son with the power to expand the kingdom: Râjyavardhana. From his son Sudhriti a son was born named Nara. (30) Nara's son was called Kevala and he fathered Dhundhumân. Vegavân was there because of him and Vegavân's son Budha had Trinabindu for his son who was a great king. (31) Alambushâ accepted him as her husband. She was an adorable goddess, a girl from heaven and a reservoir of all good qualities, who gave birth to a couple of sons and a daughter named Ilavilâ. (32) Vis'ravâ, was a saint and master of yoga. He received transcendental knowledge from his father and begot Kuvera in Ilavilâ: he who brings wealth. (33) Vis'âla, S'ûnyabandhu and Dhûmraketu were the sons of Trinabindu. Vis'âla built a city named Vais'âlî and founded a dynasty. (34) Hemacandra was his son who fathered one called Dhûmrâksha. From his son Samyama there were
Kris'âs'va and Devaja. (35-36) From Kris'âs'va there was a son named Somadatta. By worshiping the best one of all, the Lord of all Praises, the Original Person [Vishnu] in an as'vamedha sacrifice, he achieved the supreme destination where all the masters of yoga have their refuge. A son of Somadatta named Sumati thereupon begot a son called Janamejaya. All these kings of Vais'âlî sustained the reputation of King Trinabindu.'
The Kachchwaha belonged to the Kshatriya, or the warrior caste of Hindus, but they traced their origins back to the sun, via Kusa who the twin son of the god Rama.
Main Forts build by Meena Kings
1. Amer (old city of Jaipur State) Soosawut/Susawat, Rājah Bhanu Singh Meena
During 11th century Khoh (at present Khoh Nagoriyan near Jaipur) was ruled by Raja Aalan Singh Meena of Chanda Gotra
Meanwhile the kingdom of Gwalior (called Narwar at that time) was being ruled by Sodh Singh who was assassinated by his brother. The queen and her son (Dulha Rai or Dhola Rai, grand father of Bharmal) managed to flee the kingdom and were given refuge by the Aalan Singh who adopted that child as his nephew.
It was her son who used the trust bestowed upon him by the king and conspired with Rajputs and attacked the fort when the Meenas were most vulnerable
(During the Diwali time where they would give up arms for whole day and pay homages to their ancestors by taking dips in Badli's pond)( ancient tradition that is called pitratrapan)
Amber was capital of Meena kings. Its ancient name was Amrapura (आम्रपुर). Founded by the Meena Raja Alan Singh (He was from Chanda clan of Meenas), Amber was a flourishing settlement as far back as 967 AD.
Around 1037 AD, it was conquered by the Kachwaha clan of Rajputs. Much of the present structure known as Amber fort is actually the palace built by the great conqueror Raja Man Singh I who ruled from 1590 - 1614 AD.
Col. G. B. Malleson writes:-The kingdom of Jaipur, better known as the kingdom of Amber or Dhundhar, was founded by Dhola Rae in the year 957. Dhola Rae was thirty-fourth in descent from Raja Nal, traditional founder of the kingdom and city of Narwar.
The exploits of Dhola Rae can only be traced in the fabulous legends of the period. This much is clear that he conquered the country inherited by his descendants. That part of Rajasthan was then divided amongst petty Rajputs and Mina(meena) chiefs, all owing allegiance to the Hindu Kings of Delhi. These he conquered in succession, and marrying the daughter of the Prince of Ajmer, he laid the foundations of a kingdom destined to be permanent.Killed in battle, Dhola Rae was succeeded by his posthumous son by the daughter of the princess of Ajmer, named Kankal ; he, again, by his son Maidul Rao, a warrior and conquerer ; and he, in his turn, by Hundeo. Kuntal followed him, and he it was who completed the subjugation of the other aboriginal race of the Minas.
2.Nayal\Nahn The region was governed by Rao Deva Hada, who took over Bundi from Jaita Meena in 1342
Umrau Meena Ki Dhaani (ancestors of raja banda meena) ,Rajasthan, India
In ancient times, the area around Bundi was apparently inhabited by various local tribes, of which the PariharMeenas were prominent.Bundi and the eponymous princely state are said to derive their names from a former Meena chief called Raja Bunda Singh Meena. Bundi was previously called “Bunda-Ka-Nal", Nal meaning “narrow ways”. Bundi is situated in a narrow valley within the Aravalli Hills in Rajasthan.
Listen Must This is Real History Not just a Song , i Hate That Type of Songs But seriously this song gives me goosebumps.
KING BADA MEENA Original Image by -Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Bundi Kingdom of Meena's
James Tod write...Rao Dewa, S. 1398 (AD. 1342), took the Bandu valley from the Meenas, founded the city of Bundi, and styled the country Harawati. James Tod writes that having resigned Bumaoda to Hara-Raj, Rao Dewa came to Bandu-Nal, the spot where his ancestor Colun was cured of disease.
Here the Meenas of the Usarda tribe dwelt, under the patriarchal government of Jaita, their chief there was then no regular city ; the extremities of the valley (thal) were closed with barriers of masonry and gates, and the huts of the Meenas were scattered wherever their fancy led them to build. It was in S. 1398 (A.D. 1342) that Jaita and the Meenas of Usarra clan acknowledged Rae Dewa the Hara Chauhan as their lord, who erected Bundi in the valley of the Bandu-ca-Nal, which henceforth became the capital of the Haras.
The Jait Sagar Lake For those who want to revive the splendor of the realm of medieval India, they must map out a family trip to southern Rajasthan to travel around Bundi. It is ostentatious about its chocolate box surroundings, antique edifice and museums acting as a storehouse of art and artifacts. Blessed by the bounty of nature, the land is crisscrossed with sparkling rivers, lakes and spellbinding waterfalls. their serene and tranquil ambience are a respite from the din and bustle of city lives.
Bundi bordered by a very big wall has four patterned gateways can be truly called as the throne of Rajasthan. It has been carrying its charm and is really worth of getting endless love and praise from the tourists.
History of Jait Sagar Lake Very skillfully, Jait Sagar Lake is a gorgeous man made lake nestled among the hills built by Jaita Meena. The lake is surrounded by hills on all sides and has a fountain in the middle which is a visual treat to your eyes. It is a complete delight to see this fountain in the gleaming light of moon. The calm and peaceful atmosphere here is sure to have a very soothing effect on all souls. .
Description of The Jait Sagar Lake Historically, the idea was brought forward by Jaita Meena to construct this appealing Jait Sagar Lake. It has fleeting cascade looks amazing in the night.
4.Ranthambor Taatu(a branch of Chauhan), Rāja Jauharsingh Meena
Date between 1590 and 1595
Description: Akbar's entry into the fort of Ranthambhor after the submission of the Rajput, Rai Surjan Hada. Date: between 1590 and 1595
5. Baiplawat: Nandla / Badgoti , Ajmer
Ancient History
In due course of time Dhola subsequently married Maroni the daughter of the prince of Ajmer. Once he was returning along with Maroni after visiting the shrine of Jumrali Mata, the entire force consisting of about 11,000 Meenas of the region assembled to oppose his passagethrough their country. Dhola's force met with Meena force but he was killed and his followers fled along with Maroni, who later gave birth to a child named Kankul. Later he conquered the country of Dhundhar. His son Maidul Rao made a conquest of Amber from the Susawat Meenas. Amber was then the residence of the chief called Bhatto who had the title of Rao and was the head of the Meena confederation. He was also responsible to subdue the Nandla Meenas and added the district of Gatoor-Galti in his territory.On the other hand, Hoondeo succeeded and like his predecessors continued the warfare against the Meenas.
Location Of Tehla and Video Of a Mysterious Ancient Fort Tahla
Tehla Fort is situated on top of the hill and looks like crown of the village. It is a magnificent Fort of this area. Actually Tehla was part of Alwar Principality (Riyasat). It was under control the Maharaja of Alwar. However it is not a massive construction but with all royal and defensive segments. There are high ramparts and big enterance. The palatial building on south corner of the fort is really a Rajasthani style. The magnificent plaster done in the corridor is a good construction quality. A beautiful scenic view from the top of the palace is really a great pleasure. The whole geographical area comes under the eyes. The water reservior existed in the complex is the best example of water management and harvesting. The water harvesting concept adopted by the architect of that time is relevant and commendable. This is a scientific attitude of erstwhile management. This Fort can be a boon for the town, if the recent touristic scenario is exploited. Such type of historical asset is a pride for the town. This is the matter of sorrow that a historial building is being neglected by the Govt and locals. Damage to the fort is realy insult of our national property.
"SAVE THE PRIDE OF TEHLA" Nearby cities:Coordinates: 27°14'25"N 76°24'28"E
A milestone creation of the 18th century, Tehla fort is situated in Tehla village near Alwar and is a paradise for history lovers. Being counted in one of the renowned names in mountain forts of Rajasthan, Tehla fort catches the attention of national, international tourists towards its beautiful Rajasthani architecture which preserves the elegance of royal culture in the beauty of its design and strong unshakable walls
Thanagazi is a major defensive town of Alwar Principality adjacent to Jaipur state. It is located about 40 kms from Alwar very near to Sariska Tiger reserve. This is a average town governed by Gram Panchayat and tehsil HQ. It is an old village, however the exact details of foundation are not available. There is a big fort located top of a small hill adjacent to the populated area. There are high ramparts and bastons. It was under control of erstwhile Maharaja of Alwar since independence. This is a massive fort having historical value. It is a historical tourist interest place in fringe of Sariska tiger Den. It seems that the fort is about four hundred years old. It is the pride for the Thanagazi town. In the near future it may prove boon for the area, if developed as a tourist place. Source : http://wikimapia.org . www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience! Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
Based on 2011 census, Mandor has 158 households with total population of 1,191 (51.89% males, 48.11% females). The total area of the village is 11.55 km2. There is one primary school in the village.
Gorwar or Godwar, (in different periods also was called Chandravati Kingdom, Sirohi State) is a region of Rajasthan state in India, which lies in the southwest Rajasthan and borders with the state of Gujarat.
During the early years of the 19th century, Sirohi Kingdom suffered much from wars with Jodhpur and the Meena hill tribes of the area. The protection of the British was sought in 1817; the pretensions of Jodhpur to suzerainty over Sirohi were disallowed, and in 1823 a treaty was concluded with the British government. Sirohi became a self-governing princely state within British India
Now this area is well known for leopard safari, many migratory birds visit Jawai Dam in winters and there many other activities are operated for tourists in this area. Some people also called it as "untouched beauty of rajasthan"Hotels which are popular to stay in Bera include: 1. varawal leopard camp 2. castle Bera 3. Jawai leopard camp 4. Leopard lair resort 5. Baghera camp
PART 1st The End
Ancient Forts Of Rajasthan
Dadhikar Fort Alwar city
Alwar 1100 years ago by King Chand clan of Meena
The Dadhikar Fort, Almost 1100 years ago, around 9-10 century, a residential camp was made in the dense forests amidst the Aravali Hills in Matsya Janpad area by a deserted family of King Chand who had to leave his capital named Abhanagari(the place of grace), now known as Abhaneri after having lost everything in flood there. The word ‘Dera’ denotes camp and thus, place was called as ‘Derakar’ i.e. to make a camp. Gradually with passage of time the name changed and now it is known as Dadhikar, Alwar. This history is supported with the folk song sung by the people of these areas.
“Saher Dadhikar Pargana, Alwar Garh ke pass,
Basti Raja Chand ki, Abhaner Nikas”
Later on, keeping in view the beauty of nature and the safest place all around they permanently settled here, and resided here before moving Nikumbh Mahal (Bala Qila) presently in Alwar and thereafter Dadhikar became the usual place for military camps and manufacturing of battle arms.
The sign of old civilization and its gradual development can apparently be observed here since the Aravali Hills concealing deep caves with ancient rock paintings, Similarly, these are small villages at distant place spreading in the area with least population keeping alive the old culture and traditions.
With the Passage of time, the Fort had gone in to very dilapidated condition which has now been restored its original form renovating with modern necessities to bring the graceful history of the Dadhikar on the world map.
Perched on a little rocky outcrop, backed by wooded hills, Dadhikar Fort has been surveying the surrounding countryside for over 11 centuries. Back in the 9th century, a royal residential camp was set up here in what were then dense forests, when the family of King Chand had to leave their capital - current day Abhaneri - after losing everything in a flood.
Originally known as “derakar” (literally, to make a camp), both the name and the vocation changed over the decades. Derakar became Dadhikar, and the residential camp became military in nature, after the royal family moved to Alwar.
Then, over the centuries, Dadhikar gradually fell into decline and discreet neglect. With no road to connect it to the village below, with no electricity, and no water supplies, life passed Dadhikar by. Until, recently, when a man with a vision, Ram Kaushik, made it his mission to restore this little piece of India’s history.
Mr. Kaushik’s mantra is a simple one – “Preserving our heritage in every way possible, because it is our greatest strength and never ending treasure.” Preserving Dadhikar & bringing the fort back to life was nothing short of a labour of love.
In 2007, Ram Kaushik bought the fort from the heir of King Chand. “Everybody else saw it as a derelict structure that was devoid of amenities, but I envisioned it as a getaway far from city life, with a breathtaking view.”
“I always had a keen interest in restoration, so I researched what the original fort must have looked like.” Recycling stones from rubble, hunting down retired masons who could work with the old style of limestone construction, training young labourers from Dadhikar village - these were all part of the restoration work.
Dadhikar Fort is ideally situated as a base to explore the surrounding areas. It is close to Alwar, to Sariska Tiger Reserve, and, just 60 km away is amazing Abhaneri, the largest step well in Asia.
Closer to home are deep caves with ancient rock paintings, which were, excitingly, discovered by the Fort’s owners. These ancient cave paintings lead one to conclude that Dadhikar village is a part of a thousands of years’ old legacy.
Amargarh Fort is a 250-year-old fort which stands loftily atop a hill in the Amargarh village in Rajasthan. The fort is named after Raja Amar Mal, who built it. Paddy fields and abundant greenery surrounds the fort. Being surrounded by forests and mountains from all sides, the fort provides a beautiful view to visitors.
Bharmal was the father of Mariam-uz-Zamani (also called Harkha Bai or Hira Kunwari), who was married to the Mughal EmperorAkbar in 1562 and became mother to the emperor Jahangir. This was a significant event in Hindu-Muslim relations at the time. He died in Agra in 1574.
Strange rajput married with mughal to defeat king of amargarh fort ?
Fort of Hathori
Nayan Kingdom
The destruction of the Meena town of "Nayan Kingdom of Meenas" :-
Tod wrote: "When this latter prince (Baharmull Kachwaha, a contemporary of Babur and Humayun) destroyed the Meena sovereignty of Nayan, he levelled its half hundred gates, and erected the town of Lohan ( Lowain)(now the residence of a Rajawat chief) on its ruins" [Tod.II.283].
The name of Meena ruler of Nayan was Raja Bada Meena , he was so rich that his wealth was compared to Akbar's empire in a local saying as
"Rajah Bada ko Bijano, Akabar Ko Gharbaar"
That mean Rajah Bada's manual fan was so precious that it was compared with Akbar's palace.
An old historical proverb records the power of Meena King and Rulers of Nayan, “There were fifty two strongholds, and fifty six gates belonging to the manly Meena, the Raja of Nahn .
The Kachwaha Rajput ruler Bharmal of Amber always eyed on Nayan and attacked on it several times but could not succeeded against mighty and brave Bada Meena.
Akbar had asked Rao Badameena to marry his daughter Shashivadini , but being a true Meena Kshatriya royal blood, refused the proposal. Later on Bharmal married his daughter Jodhabai to Akbar(Jalāl ud-Dīn Muhammad Akbar). Bharmal was made a noble of high rank in the imperial court, and subsequently his son Bhagwant Das and grandson Man Singh also rose to high ranks in the nobility.
Nandini Sinha Kapur, a historian who has studied early India, notes that the oral traditions of the Meenas were developed from the early 19th century AD in an attempt to reconstruct their identity. She says of this process, which continued throughout the 20th century, that
"The Meenas try to furnish themselves a respectable present by giving themselves a glorious past".
In common with the people of countries such as Finland and Scotland, the Meenas found it necessary to invent tradition through oral accounts, one of the primary uses of which is recognized by both historians and sociologists as being
"social protest against injustices, exploitation and oppression, a raison d'être that helps to retrieve the image of a community."
Kapur notes that the Meenas not merely lack a recorded history of their own but also have been depicted in a negative manner both by Medieval Persian accounts and records of the colonial period. From medieval times through to the British Raj, references to the Meenas describe them as violent, plundering criminals (criminal tribe ACT) and an anti-social ethnic tribal group.
*criminal tribe act:- check posts for detailed info
Meenas in Jat History
War of Jat King Maharaja Kartik with Hill Meenas: James Todd obtained a Pali inscription about Jit or Jat tribe at village Ramchandrapura 3 kos (6 miles) east of Bundi state, which he sent to Asiatic Society London.
The inscription reveals that there was a king Thot born in Uti vansha. His son was Raja Chandrasain, a powerful ruler and beloved king of his subjects. The son of Chandrasain was Kartika, renowned for his prowess. His wife was Gunaniwas, who gave birth to two sons Mukunda and Daruka. Daruka produced son named Kuhal. Kuhal produced son named Dhunak, who achieved great works.
He had war with Hill Meenastribes and defeated and destroyed them. He along with his brother Dok worshipped gods and brahmanas. They founded a Sun-temple for the pleasure of his beloved wife. The temple will stand till the sumer suvarna mountain stands on the sand. Kuhal had founded this temple and a Maheshwar temple in east. The popularity of this was spread by Achal, son of Mahabali Maharaja Yashovarma.
The period of war of this dynasty with Pahari Meenas is difficult to be assessed. If we assume that Jat ruler Kartik had war with Menander then the period of this comes about 150 BC.
Menander had attacked areas upto Chittor. It is very likely that Kartika had a war with Menander. This way the period of his descendant becomes the first century. If we look into the period of Achal who made this temple popular it comes around third or fourth century or beyond it, as ruler Yashovarman was in Maukhari vansha in eighth century in Kannauj. He had sent a delegation to China in 731 AD. Lack of records and history prior to sixth century prevents prom determining the exact period of the rule of Kartik and his descendants. According to Thakur Deshraj, We can presume their rule from fourth to sixth century.
Fort of Kohoj
Kohoj, the hill fort is situated in Palghar region. One can see this fort while traveling on Mumbai-Ahmadabad highway near Manor Naka.
This fort is at about 12 kms from Wada. We will be taking the route which starts from Waghote. This village is located on Manor-wada route at around 8 kms from Mumbai-Ahmadabad highway. One can reach to the top of Kohoj within 3 hrs from the base village. We can find the name of Kohoj in the list of those 23 forts, which were surrendered by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the Purandar treaty with Mughal on 11 June 1665.
Fort of Jamwaramgarh
jamwa ramgarh wild life senctuary
IPS Santosh meena
IAS Rohit meena
IRS kharana Jagdish prasad meena
IPS kharkada Mahesh verma
IRS Jamwa rammgarh
IAS Vishram meena
IPS Srinagar Nathu singh meena
IPS Manota Prahlad meena
RAS harsahay meena
Fort of Jalore
Main Lakes and bawaries (to hold water from Rain) build by Meena Kings
Jait Sagar, Rajasthan
Panna mina ki bawarie, Amer
Meen Bhagwan bawarie,near Sariska,Alwar
Bhuli bawarie,village Sarjoli
Khogong bawarie, Jaipur
Main temples build by Meena Kings
Dant Mata Temple (Sehra Meena's dynasty Goddess)
Shiva Temple at Nayi ka Nath (Banskho), Jaipur
Banki Mata Temple at Raysar, Jaipur (Byadwal Meena's Dynasty Goddess)
Meen Bhagwan Mandir,Bassi,Jaipur
Shiva Temple, Khogonw
Bai Temple at Badi Chopad Jaipur
'NOTE: Important Book for the reference on above information is "Meena Cast and History of Freedom" by Shri. Lakshmi Nayaran Jharwal'